request structure
response structure
event types
error codes



















































Moxion API Docs

Welcome to the Moxion API docs

The Moxion API is a simple RESTful style API which will accept requests via HTTP POST, HTTP GET and WebSockets!

The API responds with JSON data either as a simple JSON object or as an array of JSON objects for APIs which return lists.

API Access and Authentication:

The Moxion API uses a token based authentication model, this means every API request must be sent with a secure token (SHA2).

A token is generated by calling the authenticate endpoint (/authenticate/api).

HTTP Authentication:

When making HTTP calls pass the authentication token using the X-Token header.

X-Token: <token>

WebSocket Authentication:

When using WebSockets their are two ways to pass the authentication token:

Option 1) Establish a new WebSocket connection and provide the X-Token header on the upgrade request.

Option 2) When making WebSocket calls pass the authentication token as parameter on each JSON request frame.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Moxion will not allow an established WebSocket connection to be shared by multiple users.

Endpoint URLs:

HTTPS:       https://api.moxion.io
WebSockets:  wss://api.moxion.io

dataRequest data
endpointEndpoint to send request to
featuresFeature flags (optional)
request_idId of the request (used to match with response)
tokenAuthentication token (WebSockets only)

dataPayload data
event_typeReal-time event type (indicates payload is a real-time event)
request_idCorresponding request id (indicates payload is a response)

Event TypeDescription
ASSET_CREATEDAsset has been created
COMMENT_CREATEDA new comment has been created
COMMENT_DELETEDAn existing comment has been deleted
COMMENT_UPDATEDAn existing comment has been updated
DESTINATION_MESSAGEA new destination message is available (destination_id)
LOGINCurrent user has logged in on another device
REVIEW_SESSION_COMPLETEA review session has been completed
REVIEW_SESSION_HOSTS_CHANGEDReview session users host status has changed
REVIEW_SESSION_PLAYLIST_ASSETS_UPDATEDReview session playlist assets have been updated
TASK_PROGRESSBackground task progress update (task_id)
VIEWAsset has been viewed

Numeric CodeError Message
400API endpoint does not exist
401No API request data present
403Access denied
405Invalid security token
406This version of the Moxion app is no longer supported. Please update Moxion via the AppStore.
407Invalid request data provided
408This feature has been deprecated, please contact Moxion for further details
409You have failed to authenticate correctly too many times, please wait for 15 minutes before you attempt to authenticate again.
410Not authorized to update this folder
411Not authorized to remove this user
412You can't remove yourself from your own folder
413You no longer have access to this folder. Please contact the folder owner for more information
414Could not create this folder
415Sorry, you are not authorized to update metadata on this folder
416You can't remove the folder owner from this folder
417Cannot link the folder to this parent
418Cannot move or copy a folder to another production
419Only external managed users are allowed in this folder
420The folder you are updating is currently being updated by another user
422Could not update this folder
423Too many requests from this IP address. Please try again shortly.
430Could not create this comment
432Sorry, you cannot delete this comment
433Could not create this indicator
440You can not use a password that you have used as one of your last folder passwords.
441This email address is already registered
442Invalid email address, please check the email address you entered is correct
443Password not correct
444Sorry, the requested user could not be created
445Error while generating ALE file
446A user was not found
447Your application does not support the features required for watermarking this asset.
448The asset you are trying to access is missing from the server. Please contact the folder owner for more information.
449The asset file you are trying to access has not finished processing. Please check the status of your file and try again at a later time.
450The asset file does not have a primary playable asset file.
451The asset is missing realtime watermarking files, the system is now generating these. Please try and view this asset again at a later time.
452The asset is hidden
453The asset cannot be watermarked so you can only download the file without a watermark, you may need additional permission from your folder administator to do this.
454SCIM user update cannot be completed. Failed to save user database record. Does a Moxion user already exist with this email address?
455Asset metafile cannot be parsed.
456The asset you are trying to view is not available in a supported dynamic range.
457The asset you are trying to view is not available for playback due to an issue with content security, please contact support for further details.
458Could not remove a user
461Cound not create this playlink
462This playlink has expired, please contact the playlink sender for a new playlink
463Your folder has been configured to only allow secure playlinks, please select a more secure playlink type and try again
470Could not create this production
471Not authorized to update this production
472Could not update this production
473Could not update this production user
474The production you are updating is currently being updated by another user
481A tag with this name already exists
482This tag is still being used by existing assets
485Shotgun needs to have folders and entity types setup before connecting to Moxion
486Moxion to Shotgun integration has not been set up for this folder.
490A team with this name already exists
492You are not authorized to delete the current company administration team
493The team was unable to be created
494That permission is not valid for a member of the administration team.
495Only external managed users are allowed in this team
500Internal server error
501No endpoint response
600Required parameter is missing
601Not a valid enum value
650This process is already in progress
655This device or stream is already registered, please remove the existing registration before trying to register it again.
670Unable to join review session
671The review session contains no shareable assets
672Review session not found
673You are not a participant in this review session
674The review session has not started
675The review session is complete
680Unable to add assets. This would exceed the maximum number of assets allowed in a playlist
700Multifactor Authentication Failed
702Your account has been suspended
703SSO is not configured correctly in Moxion.
704Moxion cannot communicate with the authentication server. Please try again shortly.
705Access denied
710The company was unable to be created
712The team you have specified is not valid for this company
714You cannot delete the requested user from this company
720No assets can be found to fit the report criteria
750This item is already in use
800Permission denied

Endpoint: /get/activity

Get activity and log events

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
limitNoIntegerLimit number of events returnedValid Integer
offsetNoIntegerOffset for limit if limit usedValid Integer
project_idYesIdThe ID of the project to get events fromValid Id
typeNoStringThe activity type to filter byNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
typesNoStringArrayThe activity types to filter byValid StringArray
unique_viewsNoBooleanOnly show unique views for asset view eventsValid Boolean
updated_sinceNoDateOnly return activities since the supplied date (ISO format)Valid Date
user_idNoIdThe user ID to filter byValid Id

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID the event is related to
asset_nameStringThe name of the asset related to the event (if any)
asset_typeStringThe type of the asset related to the event (if any)
batch_idIdThe batch ID the event is related to
batch_nameStringThe name of the batch related to the event (if any)
browser_nameStringBrowser name
browser_versionStringBrowser version
cityStringEvent location city (based on IP geolocation)
comment_descriptionStringThe comment description related to the event (if any)
comment_idIdThe comment ID the event is related to
countryStringEvent location country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringEvent location country code (based on IP geolocation)
dayIntegerEvent day of the month
destination_typeStringDestination type
destination_user_emailStringDestination user email
destination_user_nameStringDestination user name
destination_user_roleStringDestination user role
device_nameStringDevice name
hourIntegerEvent hour
idIdThe log entry ID
ip_addressStringThe IP address of the user which created the event
latitudeFloatEvent location latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatEvent location longitude (based on IP geolocation)
minuteIntegerEvent minute
monthIntegerEvent month of the year
platform_nameStringPlatform name
platform_versionStringPlatform version
playlink_idIdThe playlink ID the event is related to
playlink_nameStringThe name of the playlink related to the event (if any)
project_idIdThe project ID the event is related to
project_user_idIdThe user ID of the project user who initiated this event
regionStringEvent location region (based on IP geolocation)
review_session_nameStringThe name of the review session associated with the event (if any)
review_session_owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner associated with the event (if any)
secondIntegerEvent second
textStringThe event text description (if any)
timeDateThe data and time of the event
userObjectUser this event is related to
user_first_nameStringThe first name of the user who created the event
user_idIdThe user ID this event is related to
user_initiatedObjectUser this event was initiated by
user_last_nameStringThe last name of the user who created the event
workflow_idIdThe workflow ID the event is related to
yearIntegerEvent year

Endpoint: /admin/create/domain

Create a new whitelabel subdomain

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
companyYesIdThe company who owns this whitelabel domainValid Id
domainYesStringThe domain url to enable for whitelabelingNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
idIdReturns the domain ID for the created domain

Endpoint: /complete/transfer

Notify users that a group of assets has been moved/copied into a project batch

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
assetsYesIdArrayArray of asset IDsValid IdArray
batch_idYesIdThe destination batch IDValid Id
from_project_idYesIdThe source project IDValid Id
notify_usersNoIdArrayUsers to notify when transfer is finishedValid IdArray
typeYesEnum [COPY, MOVE]The transfer typeValid Enum

Response Parameters
okBooleanTrue if notifications sent

Endpoint: /complete/upload

Notify users that a batch upload has completed and set metadata processing settings

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
batch_idNoIdThe batch IDValid Id
batch_nameNoStringThe batch nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
file_namesNoStringThe names of the uploaded filesNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
keysNoStringArrayList of the S3 object keys of the uploaded files Valid StringArray
metadata_auto_slice_aleNoBooleanAuto slice compiled clips using an ALE fileValid Boolean
metadata_batch_onlyNoBooleanOnly apply metadata to the uploaded batchValid Boolean
metadata_overwriteNoBooleanOverwrite existing metadataValid Boolean
metadata_process_aleNoBooleanProcess ALE filesValid Boolean
metadata_process_colorfront_xmlNoBooleanProcess colorfront XML filesValid Boolean
metadata_process_wavNoBooleanProcess WAV (BWF) filesValid Boolean
notify_usersNoStringOnly notify these users. Colon-separated list of email addresses.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
okBooleanTrue if notifications sent

Endpoint: /copy/asset

Copy a single asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
batch_idYesIdThe batch ID this asset will be copied intoValid Id
idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id

Response Parameters
copiedBooleanTrue if the asset was moved

Endpoint: /create/asset/subclip

Create subclip asset from master asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdThe master asset IDValid Id
batch_idYesIdThe destination batch IDValid Id
durationYesFloatSubclip durationValid Float
nameYesStringThe new asset nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 256
start_timeYesFloatStart time in secondsValid Float

Response Parameters
successBooleanTrue if succeeded

Endpoint: /delete/asset

Delete a single asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the asset was deleted

Endpoint: /download/asset/immediate/image

Download a single asset video file

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_file_idYesIdThe asset file IDValid Id

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /download/asset/immediate/scrub

Download a single asset scrub url

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdThe asset file IDValid Id

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /export/ale

Export an ALE file

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idsNoIdArrayArray of asset IDs to include in ALE fileValid IdArray
filter_onNoStringThe metadata field to filter onNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
filter_valuesNoStringArrayThe metadata field values to filter onValid StringArray
project_idYesIdThe project ID to export fromValid Id

Response Parameters
ale_urlStringThe URL to download the ALE file from

Endpoint: /fetch/assets

Fetch all assets within a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
asset_orderNoStringAsset orderingNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
group_byNoStringGroup assets byNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
group_orderNoStringGroup orderingNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
ignore_prefixNoBooleanIgnore prefixed letters for SceneValid Boolean
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean

Response Parameters
assetsIdArrayArray of asset IDs
assets_not_playableIdArrayArray of asset IDs that are not currently playable and should be excluded from offline selection.
batch_idIdThe batch ID (if grouping by batch)
groupStringThe group name
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden.
metadataObjectCombined metadata for assets in this group with each metadata key containing a object of value and count
unviewed_countIntegerNumber of unviewed assets in this group

Endpoint: /get/asset

Fetch a single asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id
include_linksNoBooleanWhether to include the view_link in the response (default is false).Valid Boolean
include_metadataNoBooleanIncludes metadataValid Boolean
trigger_watermarkingNoBooleanImmediately begin the watermarking process on this assetValid Boolean

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.

Endpoint: /get/asset/file/primary

Get an assets primary playable file

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idNoIdThe asset IDValid Id

Response Parameters
aspect_ratioStringThe file aspect ratio
asset_idIdThe asset ID this file belongs to
asset_uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
audio_channelsIntegerThe number of audio channels
audio_codecStringThe file audio codec
audio_rateIntegerThe file audio sample rate
batch_idIdThe batch ID this file belongs to
bitrateFloatThe file bitrate (expressed in kbps)
categoryStringThe file category
certificate_urlStringThe Fairplay DRM certificate URL if applicable
colorspaceStringThe color space of this asset file
containerStringThe file container format
file_extensionStringThe file extension
file_nameStringThe full file name (with file extension)
frame_rateFloatThe file framerate (expressed in FPS)
heightIntegerThe file height
hls_resolutions_identifiersStringArraySuffix to append to asset file url to enable access to a specific resolution referenced in resolution_labels
idIdThe file ID
is_dashBooleanTrue if this file points to a manifest for DASH encrypted files
is_fairplayBooleanTrue if this file points to an manifest for Fairplay encrypted files
is_hlsBooleanDeprecated: See is_fairplay
is_playableBooleanTrue if this file can be played natively in the browser
is_realtimeBooleanTrue if this file points to an realtime asset manifest
is_webrtcBooleanTrue if this file points to a Moxion live server
license_urlStringThe license DRM License server URL
locationStringThe non http location where this file can be accessed from
project_idIdThe project ID this file belongs to
requires_tokenBooleanThe license DRM License server requires a token
resolutionStringThe video resolution
resolutions_colorspacesStringArrayColor spaces for each resolution label (SDR/HDR) (correspond to the resolution labels)
resolutions_identifiersStringArrayStreaming protocol identifier that will allow identification of the currently playing resolution (correspond to the resolution labels)
resolutions_labelsStringArrayResolution display labels
resolutions_selectorsStringArraySuffix to append to asset file url to enable access to a specific resolution and colorspace referenced in resolution_labels (correspond to the resolution labels)
resolutions_sizesStringArrayVideo size (width height values delimited by 'x') that correspond to the resolution labels
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED]The file status
urlStringThe URL where this file can be accessed
used_bytesIntegerThe file size in bytes
user_idIdThe user ID this file was created/uploaded by
video_codecStringThe file video codec
watermark_urlStringThe URL where the visual watermark for this file can be accessed. Note, this is only used for overlay watermarking (not burn-in watermarking).
webrtc_server_configurationObjectWebRTC server configurations to use for STUN and TURN access to live assets
widthIntegerThe file width

Endpoint: /get/asset/files

Get all of the files associated with an asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id
playable_onlyNoBooleanOnly return web playable MP4 filesValid Boolean

Response Parameters
aspect_ratioStringThe file aspect ratio
asset_idIdThe asset ID this file belongs to
asset_uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
audio_channelsIntegerThe number of audio channels
audio_codecStringThe file audio codec
audio_rateIntegerThe file audio sample rate
batch_idIdThe batch ID this file belongs to
bitrateFloatThe file bitrate (expressed in kbps)
categoryStringThe file category
certificate_urlStringThe Fairplay DRM certificate URL if applicable
colorspaceStringThe color space of this asset file
containerStringThe file container format
file_extensionStringThe file extension
file_nameStringThe full file name (with file extension)
frame_rateFloatThe file framerate (expressed in FPS)
heightIntegerThe file height
hls_resolutions_identifiersStringArraySuffix to append to asset file url to enable access to a specific resolution referenced in resolution_labels
idIdThe file ID
is_dashBooleanTrue if this file points to a manifest for DASH encrypted files
is_fairplayBooleanTrue if this file points to an manifest for Fairplay encrypted files
is_hlsBooleanDeprecated: See is_fairplay
is_playableBooleanTrue if this file can be played natively in the browser
is_realtimeBooleanTrue if this file points to an realtime asset manifest
is_webrtcBooleanTrue if this file points to a Moxion live server
license_urlStringThe license DRM License server URL
locationStringThe non http location where this file can be accessed from
project_idIdThe project ID this file belongs to
requires_tokenBooleanThe license DRM License server requires a token
resolutionStringThe video resolution
resolutions_colorspacesStringArrayColor spaces for each resolution label (SDR/HDR) (correspond to the resolution labels)
resolutions_identifiersStringArrayStreaming protocol identifier that will allow identification of the currently playing resolution (correspond to the resolution labels)
resolutions_labelsStringArrayResolution display labels
resolutions_selectorsStringArraySuffix to append to asset file url to enable access to a specific resolution and colorspace referenced in resolution_labels (correspond to the resolution labels)
resolutions_sizesStringArrayVideo size (width height values delimited by 'x') that correspond to the resolution labels
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED]The file status
urlStringThe URL where this file can be accessed
used_bytesIntegerThe file size in bytes
user_idIdThe user ID this file was created/uploaded by
video_codecStringThe file video codec
watermark_urlStringThe URL where the visual watermark for this file can be accessed. Note, this is only used for overlay watermarking (not burn-in watermarking).
webrtc_server_configurationObjectWebRTC server configurations to use for STUN and TURN access to live assets
widthIntegerThe file width

Endpoint: /get/asset/metadata

Get a single asset including all its metadata

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id

Response Parameters
*StringWill return any key->value data
tagsIdArrayAsset tags
uploadedDateDate of upload

Endpoint: /get/assets

Get all assets with given ID, or all assets within a batch, single project or list of projects.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
assetsNoIdArrayArray of asset IDs. Ignored if the batch_id or project_id is specified.Valid IdArray
batch_idNoIdThe batch ID.Valid Id
include_linksNoBooleanWhether to include the view_link in the response (default is false).Valid Boolean
include_metadataNoBooleanIncludes metadata.Valid Boolean
include_offline_bytesNoBooleanIncludes offline bytes.Valid Boolean
project_idNoIdThe project ID. Ignored if the batch_id is specified.Valid Id
projectsNoIdArrayOnly get assets for projects with those ids, Ignored if batch_id, project_id or assets is specified.Valid IdArray
trigger_watermarkingNoBooleanImmediately begin the watermarking process on these assets.Valid Boolean
updated_sinceNoDateOnly return assets created or updated since the supplied date (ISO format). Used only when projects specified.Valid Date

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.

Endpoint: /get/upload/s3/endpoint

Get S3 upload endpoint details

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
batch_idNoIdThe batch ID, required when uploading to an existing batchValid Id
batch_nameNoStringThe batch name, required when uploading to a new batchNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
acceleratedBooleanWhether the upload is accelerated
access_key_idStringThe AWS access key id
endpointStringThe endpoint base url
prefixStringThe prefix to use for files when uploading to S3
regionStringThe AWS region to upload to

Endpoint: /move/asset

Move a single asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
batch_idYesIdThe batch ID this asset will be moved intoValid Id
idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id

Response Parameters
movedBooleanTrue if the asset was moved

Endpoint: /update/asset

Update metadata on a single asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
*NoStringWill accept any key->value data to be applied to the assets metadataNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
idYesIdOrUUIDThe asset ID or UUIDValid IdOrUUID
tagsNoIdArraySet the tags for the assetValid IdArray
uuidNoStringSet the UUID for the assetNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanTrue if the asset was updated

Endpoint: /update/asset/thumbnail

Update the thumbnail position for an asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdOrUUIDThe asset IDValid IdOrUUID
thumbnail_positionYesFloatThe new thumbnail position (0-1)Valid Float

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_updatedBooleanTrue if new thumbnail set
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.

Endpoint: /update/assets

Bulk update metadata on an array of assets

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
*NoStringWill accept any key->value data to be applied to the assets metadataNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
assetsYesIdArrayArray of asset IDsValid IdArray
tagsNoIdArraySet the tags for the assetValid IdArray

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanTrue if the assets have been updated

Endpoint: /upload

Upload a file into a project using HTTP POST (multipart/form-data).
HTTP headers must be set on this API for authentication.
This API will only accept HTTP form post data with the following multipart form entities and headers:

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
X-Asset-IDNoHTTP HEADERThe asset ID or UUID. If this asset already exists it will be updated with the new file. If this asset does not exists a new asset will be created with this UUIDValid HTTP_HEADER
X-Batch-IDNoHTTP HEADERThe batch ID this upload is going toValid HTTP_HEADER
X-Batch-NameNoHTTP HEADERIf set, create a new batch with the given name and upload intoValid HTTP_HEADER
X-Project-IDYesHTTP HEADERThe project ID this upload is going toValid HTTP_HEADER
qqfileYesBinaryThe actual binary file content (multipart/form-data)Valid Binary
qquuidYesStringA unique ID for this file (multipart/form-data)No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe ID of the newly created or updated asset
asset_uuidStringThe UUID of the newly created or updated asset
successBooleanTrue if upload has completed

Endpoint: /upload/s3/complete

S3 Upload Result. This is a form POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idNoStringThe asset ID, required when uploading a file to an existing assetNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
asset_uuidNoStringThe asset UUID to assign to a new asset. This asset ID is chosen by the uploading system and can be used to refer to the asset where parameter type is 'IdOrUUID'.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
batch_hiddenNoBooleanWhether the batch is hiddenValid Boolean
batch_idNoStringThe batch ID, required when uploading to an existing batchNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
batch_nameNoStringThe batch name, required when uploading to a new batchNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
keyYesStringThe S3 object key of the uploaded fileNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
nameYesStringThe original file nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID that is going to be created

Endpoint: /upload/s3/signature

Prepare for S3 upload by getting server-side signature (supports integration with FineUploader)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
headersNoStringThe headers to sign, required for multi-part uploadsNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
policyNoStringThe encoded policy to sign, required for non multi-part uploadsNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
policyStringThe base64 encoded signed policy (returned for non multi-part uploads)
signatureStringThe signature with sha256 applied (returned for multi-part uploads)

Endpoint: /validate/upload/batch

Validate a group of uploads that are going to be uploaded together, returning a list of potential warnings and errors that may affect processing

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
keysYesStringArrayA list of object keys for the files to be uploadedValid StringArray
metadataYesStringArrayA list of S3 object keys relating to the metadata for this file, if no metadata is available for this file, and empty string should be returned for that position.Valid StringArray
namesYesStringArrayA list of original file names that match the keysValid StringArray
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
processingBooleanTrue if validation is required and is being processed in the background, progress information provided by task_id
task_idStringThe validation task ID related to this batch of assets

Endpoint: /authenticate/api

Authenticate a user by their API key pair and return a secure token if successful

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
api_idYesStringAPI IDNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
api_keyYesStringAPI KeyNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
authenticatedBooleanTrue if successful authentication
expiresIntegerThe time in seconds when the token will expire from now
tokenStringThe security token to use on further API requests

Endpoint: /authenticate/device

Begin a device login

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
device_codeStringUnique ID of the device
expires_inIntegerSeconds until request expiry
intervalIntegerSeconds between polls
user_codeStringShort code that verifies that the user is on the correct device
verification_uriStringPage to visit to log in

Endpoint: /authenticate/device/token

Poll for a device authentication token.

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
device_codeYesStringDevice code ex the /authenticate/device flowNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
authenticatedBooleanTrue if successful authentication
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
elevio_hashStringElevio authentication hash
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
expiresIntegerThe time in seconds when the token will expire from now
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
helpscout_user_signatureStringHelpscout user signature
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
session_dataStringUsers persistent app session data
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sync_tokenStringThe CSRF Synchronizer Token to use on further API requests
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
tokenStringThe security token to use on further API requests
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /authenticate/device/verify/code

Verify a device flow user code and generate a login URL for the frontend

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
user_codeYesStringUser code ex the /authenticate/device callNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
successBooleanIf the user code is valid and an auth token is ready for pick up by the TV

Endpoint: /authenticate/user/onetimetoken

Replace the token of authenticated user with a fresh token.

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
onetimetokenYesStringOne-time token that was previously provided to a user.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
authenticatedBooleanTrue if successful authentication
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
elevio_hashStringElevio authentication hash
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
expiresIntegerThe time in seconds when the token will expire from now
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
helpscout_user_signatureStringHelpscout user signature
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
session_dataStringUsers persistent app session data
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sync_tokenStringThe CSRF Synchronizer Token to use on further API requests
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
tokenStringThe security token to use on further API requests
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /authenticate/user/saml2

Authenticate a user via Saml 2.0 using HTTP POST. User-agent will be redirected to `/sso/callback?apiResponse=`. For iOS, the URL would be `moxion://saml2_callback`.

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
relaystateYesStringState of the authorization flow.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
samlresponseYesStringEncoded response returned from the identity provider.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
authenticatedBooleanTrue if successful authentication
onetimetokenStringA security token that can be exchanged excatly once for a persistent token at `/authenticate/user/onetimetoken`. Provided only if authentication was successful.

Endpoint: /authenticate/user/sso

Authenticate a user via OpenID Connect

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
access_tokenYesStringAccess token provided by frontend OpenID Connect flowNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
domainNoStringDomain user is attempting to log into. Must match an entry in the Domain tableNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
providerYesStringOpenID Connect provider (eg okta). Must match an entry in the Domain SSO configuration.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
authenticatedBooleanTrue if successful authentication
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
elevio_hashStringElevio authentication hash
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
expiresIntegerThe time in seconds when the token will expire from now
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
helpscout_user_signatureStringHelpscout user signature
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
session_dataStringUsers persistent app session data
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sync_tokenStringThe CSRF Synchronizer Token to use on further API requests
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
tokenStringThe security token to use on further API requests
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /create/batch

Create a new empty batch

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
nameYesStringThe batch nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
project_idYesIdThe project ID this batch belongs toValid Id

Response Parameters
createdStringThe batch creation time
creatorIdThe creator of this batch (user ID)
hiddenBooleanThe batch is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe batch ID
nameStringThe batch name
ownerIdThe owner of this batch (user ID)
project_idIdThe project ID this batch belongs to
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED]The batch status

Endpoint: /delete/batch

Delete a batch

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe batch IDValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the batch (and all containing assets) were deleted

Endpoint: /get/batch

Get a single batch by the batch ID

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe batch IDValid Id

Response Parameters
createdStringThe batch creation time
creatorIdThe creator of this batch (user ID)
hiddenBooleanThe batch is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe batch ID
nameStringThe batch name
ownerIdThe owner of this batch (user ID)
project_idIdThe project ID this batch belongs to
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED]The batch status

Endpoint: /get/batches

Get all batches from a project or if no project ID supplied return all batches the user has access to

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
include_assetsNoBooleanReturn array of asset IDs belonging to the batchValid Boolean
project_idNoIdThe project IDValid Id
projectsNoIdArrayOnly get batches for projects with those idsValid IdArray
sort_byNoEnum [NEWEST, OLDEST, NAME]Sort byValid Enum

Response Parameters
assetsIdArrayArray of asset IDs contained in this batch
createdStringThe batch creation time
creatorIdThe creator of this batch (user ID)
hiddenBooleanThe batch is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe batch ID
nameStringThe batch name
ownerIdThe owner of this batch (user ID)
project_idIdThe project ID this batch belongs to
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED]The batch status

Endpoint: /update/batch

Update a batch

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
hiddenNoBooleanThe the batch is hiddenValid Boolean
idYesIdThe batch IDValid Id
nameYesStringThe batch nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
notify_usersNoIdArrayUsers to notify when unhide the batchValid IdArray

Response Parameters
createdStringThe batch creation time
creatorIdThe creator of this batch (user ID)
hiddenBooleanThe batch is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe batch ID
nameStringThe batch name
ownerIdThe owner of this batch (user ID)
project_idIdThe project ID this batch belongs to
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED]The batch status

Endpoint: /create/comment

Create a comment on an asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idNoIdOrUUIDThe asset ID or UUID this comment belongs toValid IdOrUUID
colorNoStringThe color of this comment (in hex format)No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
colorspaceNoStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment timeNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 10
createdNoDateThe date/time this comment was created (ISO format UTC)Valid Date
creator_emailNoStringThe comment creators emailLength must not exceed 254
Valid email format
creator_nameNoStringThe comment creators nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 64
creator_roleNoStringThe comment creators roleNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
descriptionNoStringThe actual comment textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 61440
has_markerNoBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline markerValid Boolean
heightNoIntegerThe height in pixels of the asset this user was viewing at comment timeValid Integer
is_replyNoBooleanIs this comment a reply to another commentValid Boolean
marker_durationNoFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)Valid Float
marker_timeNoFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a marker)Valid Float
marker_timecodeNoStringThe timecode that corresponds to this marker_timeNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
parent_idNoIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)Valid Id
review_session_idNoIdThe realtime review session ID this comment belongs to (if any)Valid Id
scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope: ASSET or REVIEW_SESSIONValid Enum
typeNoEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment typeValid Enum
uuidNoStringAssign the new comment this UUIDNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
widthNoIntegerThe width in pixels of the asset this user was viewing at comment timeValid Integer

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID this comment belongs to
colorStringThe color of this indicator (in hex format)
colorspaceStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment time.
completed_by_user_first_nameStringFirst name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_idIdID of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_last_nameStringLast name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
createdDateThe date/time this comment was created
creator_emailStringThe comment creators email
creator_nameStringThe comment creators name
creator_roleStringThe comment creators role
descriptionStringThe actual comment text
has_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an associated DRAWING_V2 indicator?
has_markerBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline marker
has_obsolete_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an deprecated DRAWING or BEACON indicator associated with it?
has_replyBooleanHas this comment been replied to
heightIntegerThe height of the asset the user was viewing at content time.
idIdThe comment ID
is_expiredBooleanIs this comment expired and can no longer be edited or changed
is_ownerBooleanIs the requesting user the owner/creator of this comment
is_replyBooleanIs this comment a reply to another comment
marker_durationFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)
marker_timeFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a maker)
marker_timecodeStringThe timecode that corresponds to the marker time
parent_idIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)
project_idIdThe project ID this comment belongs to
resolution_labelStringThe human-friendly resolution label of the asset the user was viewing at comment time. eg UHD, 1080p, 4K
scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope (where this comment is visible)
typeEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment type
user_first_nameStringFirst name of comment owner
user_idIdThe user ID of the person who created this comment
user_last_nameStringLast name of comment owner
user_project_roleStringProject role of comment owner
uuidStringThe comment UUID (if set)
widthIntegerThe width of the asset the user was viewing at content time.

Endpoint: /delete/comment

Delete a comment

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdOrUUIDThe comment ID or UUIDValid IdOrUUID
include_repliesNoBooleanTrue if the comment's replies are to be recursively deletedValid Boolean

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the comment (and all associated markers) were deleted

Endpoint: /get/comment

Get a single comments associated with an asset.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdOrUUIDThe asset IDValid IdOrUUID
comment_idYesIdThe comment IDValid Id
review_session_idNoIdThe ID of the realtime review session (if any)Valid Id
scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of the comments to retrieve.Valid Enum

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID this comment belongs to
colorStringThe color of this indicator (in hex format)
colorspaceStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment time.
completed_by_user_first_nameStringFirst name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_idIdID of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_last_nameStringLast name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
createdDateThe date/time this comment was created
creator_emailStringThe comment creators email
creator_nameStringThe comment creators name
creator_roleStringThe comment creators role
descriptionStringThe actual comment text
has_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an associated DRAWING_V2 indicator?
has_markerBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline marker
has_obsolete_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an deprecated DRAWING or BEACON indicator associated with it?
has_replyBooleanHas this comment been replied to
heightIntegerThe height of the asset the user was viewing at content time.
idIdThe comment ID
is_expiredBooleanIs this comment expired and can no longer be edited or changed
is_ownerBooleanIs the requesting user the owner/creator of this comment
is_replyBooleanIs this comment a reply to another comment
marker_durationFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)
marker_timeFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a maker)
marker_timecodeStringThe timecode that corresponds to the marker time
parent_idIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)
project_idIdThe project ID this comment belongs to
resolution_labelStringThe human-friendly resolution label of the asset the user was viewing at comment time. eg UHD, 1080p, 4K
scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope (where this comment is visible)
typeEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment type
user_first_nameStringFirst name of comment owner
user_idIdThe user ID of the person who created this comment
user_last_nameStringLast name of comment owner
user_project_roleStringProject role of comment owner
uuidStringThe comment UUID (if set)
widthIntegerThe width of the asset the user was viewing at content time.

Endpoint: /get/comments

Get all of the comments associated with an asset.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdOrUUIDThe asset ID or UUID.Valid IdOrUUID
review_session_idNoIdThe ID of the realtime review session (if any)Valid Id
scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of the comments to retrieve.Valid Enum

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID this comment belongs to
colorStringThe color of this indicator (in hex format)
colorspaceStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment time.
completed_by_user_first_nameStringFirst name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_idIdID of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_last_nameStringLast name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
createdDateThe date/time this comment was created
creator_emailStringThe comment creators email
creator_nameStringThe comment creators name
creator_roleStringThe comment creators role
descriptionStringThe actual comment text
has_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an associated DRAWING_V2 indicator?
has_markerBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline marker
has_obsolete_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an deprecated DRAWING or BEACON indicator associated with it?
has_replyBooleanHas this comment been replied to
heightIntegerThe height of the asset the user was viewing at content time.
idIdThe comment ID
is_expiredBooleanIs this comment expired and can no longer be edited or changed
is_ownerBooleanIs the requesting user the owner/creator of this comment
is_replyBooleanIs this comment a reply to another comment
marker_durationFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)
marker_timeFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a maker)
marker_timecodeStringThe timecode that corresponds to the marker time
parent_idIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)
project_idIdThe project ID this comment belongs to
resolution_labelStringThe human-friendly resolution label of the asset the user was viewing at comment time. eg UHD, 1080p, 4K
scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope (where this comment is visible)
typeEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment type
user_first_nameStringFirst name of comment owner
user_idIdThe user ID of the person who created this comment
user_last_nameStringLast name of comment owner
user_project_roleStringProject role of comment owner
uuidStringThe comment UUID (if set)
widthIntegerThe width of the asset the user was viewing at content time.

Endpoint: /update/comment

Update a comment or create a new comment if it does not exist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idNoIdOrUUIDThe asset ID or UUID this comment belongs toValid IdOrUUID
colorNoStringThe color of this comment (in hex format)No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
colorspaceNoStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment timeNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 10
createdNoDateThe date/time this comment was created (ISO format UTC)Valid Date
creator_emailNoStringThe comment creators emailLength must not exceed 254
Valid email format
creator_nameNoStringThe comment creators nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 64
creator_roleNoStringThe comment creators roleNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
descriptionNoStringThe actual comment textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 61440
has_markerNoBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline markerValid Boolean
heightNoIntegerThe height in pixels of the asset this user was viewing at comment timeValid Integer
idYesIdOrUUIDThe comment ID or UUIDValid IdOrUUID
is_replyNoBooleanIs this comment a reply to another commentValid Boolean
marker_durationNoFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)Valid Float
marker_timeNoFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a marker)Valid Float
marker_timecodeNoStringThe timecode that corresponds to this marker_timeNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
parent_idNoIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)Valid Id
review_session_idNoIdThe realtime review session ID this comment belongs to (if any)Valid Id
scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope: ASSET or REVIEW_SESSIONValid Enum
typeNoEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment typeValid Enum
uuidNoStringAssign the new comment this UUIDNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
widthNoIntegerThe width in pixels of the asset this user was viewing at comment timeValid Integer

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID this comment belongs to
colorStringThe color of this indicator (in hex format)
colorspaceStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment time.
completed_by_user_first_nameStringFirst name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_idIdID of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_last_nameStringLast name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
createdDateThe date/time this comment was created
creator_emailStringThe comment creators email
creator_nameStringThe comment creators name
creator_roleStringThe comment creators role
descriptionStringThe actual comment text
has_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an associated DRAWING_V2 indicator?
has_markerBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline marker
has_obsolete_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an deprecated DRAWING or BEACON indicator associated with it?
has_replyBooleanHas this comment been replied to
heightIntegerThe height of the asset the user was viewing at content time.
idIdThe comment ID
is_expiredBooleanIs this comment expired and can no longer be edited or changed
is_ownerBooleanIs the requesting user the owner/creator of this comment
is_replyBooleanIs this comment a reply to another comment
marker_durationFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)
marker_timeFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a maker)
marker_timecodeStringThe timecode that corresponds to the marker time
parent_idIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)
project_idIdThe project ID this comment belongs to
resolution_labelStringThe human-friendly resolution label of the asset the user was viewing at comment time. eg UHD, 1080p, 4K
scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope (where this comment is visible)
typeEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment type
updatedBooleanTrue if comment has been updated
user_first_nameStringFirst name of comment owner
user_idIdThe user ID of the person who created this comment
user_last_nameStringLast name of comment owner
user_project_roleStringProject role of comment owner
uuidStringThe comment UUID (if set)
widthIntegerThe width of the asset the user was viewing at content time.

Endpoint: /update/comment/complete

Mark a comment as completed or not completed

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe comment IDValid Id
is_completeYesBooleanTrue to mark the comment complete, false to unmark itValid Boolean

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID this comment belongs to
colorStringThe color of this indicator (in hex format)
colorspaceStringThe colorspace of the asset the user was viewing at comment time.
completed_by_user_first_nameStringFirst name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_idIdID of the user who flagged this comment as completed
completed_by_user_last_nameStringLast name of the user who flagged this comment as completed
createdDateThe date/time this comment was created
creator_emailStringThe comment creators email
creator_nameStringThe comment creators name
creator_roleStringThe comment creators role
descriptionStringThe actual comment text
has_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an associated DRAWING_V2 indicator?
has_markerBooleanIs this comment attached to a timeline marker
has_obsolete_drawingBooleanDoes this comment have an deprecated DRAWING or BEACON indicator associated with it?
has_replyBooleanHas this comment been replied to
heightIntegerThe height of the asset the user was viewing at content time.
idIdThe comment ID
is_expiredBooleanIs this comment expired and can no longer be edited or changed
is_ownerBooleanIs the requesting user the owner/creator of this comment
is_replyBooleanIs this comment a reply to another comment
marker_durationFloatThe marker duration (only set if the comment has a marker)
marker_timeFloatThe time offset in seconds for the comment marker (only set if the comment has a maker)
marker_timecodeStringThe timecode that corresponds to the marker time
parent_idIdThe comment ID of the parent comment (only set if this comment is a reply)
project_idIdThe project ID this comment belongs to
resolution_labelStringThe human-friendly resolution label of the asset the user was viewing at comment time. eg UHD, 1080p, 4K
scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The comment scope (where this comment is visible)
typeEnum [COMMENT, IO_POINT]The comment type
updatedBooleanTrue if comment has been marked completed
user_first_nameStringFirst name of comment owner
user_idIdThe user ID of the person who created this comment
user_last_nameStringLast name of comment owner
user_project_roleStringProject role of comment owner
uuidStringThe comment UUID (if set)
widthIntegerThe width of the asset the user was viewing at content time.

Endpoint: /update/drawing

Create or update drawing data for an comment marker

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
comment_idYesIdThe comment ID this indicator belongs toValid Id
drawing_dataYesStringThe drawing data JSONNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
typeNoEnum [DRAWING_V2, DRAWING, BEACON]The type of Drawing data: DRAWING_V2 (default) or DRAWINGValid Enum

Response Parameters
beacon_xFloatThe indicator beacons X position relative to the frame
beacon_yFloatThe indicator beacons Y position relative to the frame
colorStringThe color of this indicator (in hex format)
comment_idIdThe comment ID this indicator belongs to
createdDateThe date/time this indicator was created
drawing_dataStringThe raw drawing/path data JSON
has_replyBooleanHas this indicator been replied to
idIdThe indicator ID
is_expiredBooleanIs this indicator expired and can no longer be edited or changed
is_ownerBooleanIs the requesting user the owner/creator of this indicator
typeEnum [DRAWING_V2, DRAWING, BEACON]The indicator type will be DRAWING_V2 (with BEACON and DRAWING being older, obsolete types)
user_idIdThe user ID of the person who created this comment

Endpoint: /create/company/control

Create company control settings/limits

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
expiry_dateNoDateThe last date the company will be activeValid Date
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id
max_usageNoIntegerThe maximum disk usage allowed on assets for the companyValid Integer
notesNoStringNotes on the control recordNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
control_idIdThe control record id
expiry_dateDateExpiry date of the corresponding record
max_usageIntegerMaximum allowed usage
notesStringNotes on the restrictions
record_idIdID of the matching company/group
record_typeStringType of record control attached to
start_dateDateStart date of the corresponding record
updatedBooleanTrue if the company control has been created

Endpoint: /delete/company/control

Delete control limits from the company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
all_groupsNoBooleanFlag indicating the group control records are also to be deletedValid Boolean
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id
notesNoStringString note to be added to the control record.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the control record was deleted from the company
groupsIdArrayThe control record was also removed from these groups

Endpoint: /delete/company/user

Delete a user from the company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
group_idNoIdRemove the user only from this specified group / productionValid Id
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id
projectsNoIdArrayRemove the user from these projectsValid IdArray
teamsNoIdArrayRemove the user from these teamsValid IdArray
user_idYesIdThe user ID to delete from the companyValid Id
validateNoBooleanCheck if this delete will work without actually deletingValid Boolean

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the user was deleted from the company
projectsIdArrayThe user was removed from these projects
teamsIdArrayThe user was removed from these teams
validatedBooleanTrue if the dry_run is true and the user can be deleted removed with these parameters

Endpoint: /get/companies

Get all of the companies associated with the current user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
activeBooleanIs company active
admin_teamIdThe company administration team
can_update_participantsBooleanTrue if this user can update participants for this company
can_view_participantsBooleanTrue if this user can view participants for this company
externally_managed_usersBooleanTrue if the users for this company are managed by an external system (eg SCIM)
idIdThe company ID
is_adminBooleanTrue if this user is an administrator of this company
is_ownerBooleanTrue if this company is the default company for this user
mfa_enabledBooleanIs company MFA enabled
nameStringThe company name
settingsObjectCompany settings
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes
watermark_settingsObjectCompany watermark settings

Endpoint: /get/company

Get this companies details

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id

Response Parameters
activeBooleanIs company active
admin_teamIdThe company administration team
can_update_participantsBooleanTrue if this user can update participants for this company
can_view_participantsBooleanTrue if this user can view participants for this company
externally_managed_usersBooleanTrue if the users for this company are managed by an external system (eg SCIM)
idIdThe company ID
is_adminBooleanTrue if this user is an administrator of this company
is_ownerBooleanTrue if this company is the default company for this user
mfa_enabledBooleanIs company MFA enabled
nameStringThe company name
settingsObjectCompany settings
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes
watermark_settingsObjectCompany watermark settings

Endpoint: /get/company/control

Get the control/limit record for this company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id

Response Parameters
control_idIdThe control record id
expiry_dateDateExpiry date of the corresponding record
max_usageIntegerMaximum allowed usage
notesStringNotes on the restrictions
record_idIdID of the matching company/group
record_typeStringType of record control attached to
start_dateDateStart date of the corresponding record

Endpoint: /get/company/production_folders

Get all production folders of this company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe production folder color
company_idIdThe production folder's company id
createdDateCreation date time
idIdThe production folder id
nameStringThe production folder name

Endpoint: /get/company/users

Get all users of this company (optionally restricted to a particular group/production)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
group_idNoIdRestricted by group IDValid Id
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /update/company

Update an existing company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
activeNoBooleanIs company activeValid Boolean
domainNoIdThe subdomain this company belongs toValid Id
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id
mfa_enabledNoBooleanMFA enabledValid Boolean
nameNoStringThe company nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100
settingsNoObjectCompany settingsValid Object
watermark_settingsNoObjectCompany watermark settingsValid Object

Response Parameters
activeBooleanIs company active
admin_teamIdThe company administration team
idIdThe company ID
mfa_enabledBooleanIs company MFA enabled
nameStringThe company name
settingsObjectCompany settings
updatedBooleanTrue if the company has been updated
watermark_settingsObjectCompany watermark settings

Endpoint: /update/company/control

Update company control/limit settings

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
expiry_dateNoDateThe last date the company will be activeValid Date
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id
max_usageNoIntegerThe maximum disk usage allowed on assets for the companyValid Integer
notesNoStringNotes on the control recordNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
control_idIdThe control record id
expiry_dateDateExpiry date of the corresponding record
max_usageIntegerMaximum allowed usage
notesStringNotes on the restrictions
record_idIdID of the matching company/group
record_typeStringType of record control attached to
start_dateDateStart date of the corresponding record
updatedBooleanTrue if the company control has been updated

Endpoint: /update/company/user

Update company specific settings for a user on a company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe company IDValid Id
inbox_onlyNoBooleanUsers inbox only settingValid Boolean
reset_mfaNoBooleanReset the users MFA credentials so they can run MFA setup againValid Boolean
user_idYesIdThe user ID to delete from the companyValid Id

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used
updatedBooleanTrue if the user has been updated

Endpoint: /get/destination/messages

Get messages for a destination. The oldest message is returned first. To retrieve only new messages, provide a start_after_message_id value.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
destination_idYesIdThe destination to get messages forValid Id
limitNoIntegerMax number of messages to receive (defaults to 10)Valid Integer
sortNoEnum [NEWEST, OLDEST]Sort order (defaults to OLDEST)Valid Enum
start_after_message_idNoIdThe message to start after, if no message is specified, will list objects from the beginningValid Id

Response Parameters
assetsIdArrayArray of asset IDs contained in this message
createdDateThe message creation time
destination_idIdThe destination this message is associated with
idIdThe message id
sender_emailStringThe email of the user that sent the message
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message
sender_idIdThe user that sent the message
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message
statusEnum [PENDING, DELIVERED, RECEIVED, ERROR]Message status
textStringThe message text to display with the delivery

Endpoint: /get/destination/subscription

Get information about a destination subscription

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
subscription_idYesIdThe subscription IDValid Id

Response Parameters
createdDateThe date/time this subscription was created
created_byIdThe user id the subscription was created by
destination_idIdThe subscription destination id
device_nameStringThe subscription device name
idIdThe subscription id

Endpoint: /get/destinations

List all destinations for a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe project ID to find destinations forValid Id
typeYesEnum [QTAKE]The display type of the destinationValid Enum

Response Parameters
active_subscriptionsIdArrayArray of active subscription ids
createdDateThe date/time this destination was created
idIdThe destination ID
project_idIdThe project ID this destination is associated with
typeEnum [QTAKE]The display type of the destination.
user_emailStringThe email address of the destination user
user_nameStringThe name of the destination user
user_roleStringThe role of the destination user

Endpoint: /send/destination/message

Send a message to a destination

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
assetsYesIdArrayArray of asset IDs contained in this messageValid IdArray
destination_idYesIdThe destination this message is associated withValid Id
textNoStringMessage textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 10000

Response Parameters
assetsIdArrayArray of asset IDs contained in this message
createdDateThe message creation time
destination_idIdThe destination this message is associated with
idIdThe message id
sender_emailStringThe email of the user that sent the message
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message
sender_idIdThe user that sent the message
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message
statusEnum [PENDING, DELIVERED, RECEIVED, ERROR]Message status
textStringThe message text to display with the delivery

Endpoint: /subscribe/destination

Subscribe to a destination to receive destination messages (destination will be created if it doesn't exist). When a new message is available a DESTINATION_MESSAGE event will be sent via WebSockets. To get destination messages use /get/destination/messages.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
device_nameNoStringThe name of the subscription device (eg machine name)No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 256
project_idYesIdThe project ID this destination is associated withValid Id
typeYesEnum [QTAKE]The display type of the destinationValid Enum
user_emailYesStringThe email address of the destination userLength must not exceed 254
Valid email format
user_nameYesStringThe name of the destination userNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 256
user_roleNoStringThe role name of the destination userNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 256

Response Parameters
createdDateThe date/time this subscription was created
created_byIdThe user id the subscription was created by
destination_idIdThe subscription destination id
device_nameStringThe subscription device name
idIdThe subscription id

Endpoint: /unsubscribe/destination

Unsubscribe from a destination to stop receiving destination messages

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
subscription_idYesIdThe ID for the subscription to unsubscribe fromValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanUnsubscribe success

Endpoint: /update/destination/message

Update destination message status

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
error_messageNoStringThe associated error message (if applicable)No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
message_idYesIdThe destination message to updateValid Id
statusYesEnum [PENDING, DELIVERED, RECEIVED, ERROR]The status of the messageValid Enum

Response Parameters
assetsIdArrayArray of asset IDs contained in this message
createdDateThe message creation time
destination_idIdThe destination this message is associated with
idIdThe message id
sender_emailStringThe email of the user that sent the message
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message
sender_idIdThe user that sent the message
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message
statusEnum [PENDING, DELIVERED, RECEIVED, ERROR]Message status
textStringThe message text to display with the delivery

Endpoint: /create/domain/asset

Create a new domain asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
content_typeYesStringContent type for this assetNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
dataYesStringbase64 encoded asset dataNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
domainYesIdThe domain this asset belongs toValid Id
typeYesStringThe asset type, e.g. login_page_logoNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
idIdReturns the domain asset ID for the created domain asset

Endpoint: /delete/domain/asset

Delete an existing domain asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idNoIdThe domain asset to updateValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanhas the domain asset been deleted

Endpoint: /get/domain/login/providers

Retrieve a list of identity providers to be used for login.

Token Required: No
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
domainYesStringThe domain to retrieve the providers forNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
is_ios_appNoBooleanThe request is coming from an iOS native application (default false)Valid Boolean

Response Parameters
base_urlStringThe base URL of the Open ID Connect server. Used with openid-connect provider types. Must start with https: and end with /oauth2/. Mutual exclusive with saml2_* parameters.
client_idStringThe public client ID of the Open ID Connect application. Used with openid-connect provider types. Mutual exclusive with saml2_* parameters.
hide_brandingBooleanHide the provider's branding (no name or logo image in front end)
logo_imageStringThe provider's logo image, if any. To be retrieved by /get/domain/asset
providerStringA unique name of the identity provider (eg internal, okta, google)
provider_typeStringProtocol used to authenticate with the provider (eg internal, openid-connect, saml2.0)
saml2_auth_post_paramsObjectThe parameters to include with POST requests to saml2_auth_post_url. Used with saml2.0 provider types. Mutual exclusive with client_id and base_url.
saml2_auth_post_urlStringThe URL used to authenticate at SAML 2.0 server, using POST method (HTTP-Post binding). Used with saml2.0 provider types. Mutual exclusive with client_id and base_url.
saml2_auth_urlStringThe URL used to authenticate at SAML 2.0 server, using GET method (HTTP-Redirect binding). Used with saml2.0 provider types. Mutual exclusive with client_id and base_url.

Endpoint: /update/domain/asset

Update an existing domain asset

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
content_typeYesStringContent type for this assetNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
dataYesStringbase64 encoded asset dataNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
domainYesIdThe domain this asset belongs toValid Id
idNoIdThe domain asset to updateValid Id
typeYesStringThe asset type, e.g. login_page_logoNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanhas the domain asset been updated

Endpoint: /admin/live/info

Get live stream information for a source identifier

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
stream_identifierNoStringThe stream iIdentifier or do not speficy to return all stream detailsNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
detailsObjectJSON structure with details about a stream setup and configuration

Endpoint: /create/live/registration/composite

Register a new Composite Stream with a Moxion Project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionYesStringThe Stream DescriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
layoutNoObjectThe composite layoutValid Object
nameYesStringThe Stream nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
stream_uriStringStreaming URI used to reference this registration
successBooleanSuccessfully registered

Endpoint: /create/live/registration/desktop

Register a new Moxion desktop sharing stream

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionYesStringThe Stream DescriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
nameYesStringThe stream nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanSuccessfully registered

Endpoint: /create/live/registration/qtake

Register a new Qtake Cloud project with a Moxion Project, the JWT claim userEmail must match the current user email address

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionYesStringThe Stream DescriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
nameYesStringThe stream nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
registrationYesStringA JWT token containing the registration data for the Qtake CloudNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
successBooleanSuccessfully registered with Qtake Cloud

Endpoint: /create/live/registration/raw

Register a new RTP stream registration

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idNoStringThe asset ID or UUID if we are to use an existing assetNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
asset_nameNoStringThe asset name for this stream if we are creating a new assetNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
audio_portYesIntegerThe source audio portValid Integer
batch_hiddenNoBooleanWhether the batch is hiddenValid Boolean
batch_idNoIdThe batch ID, required when creating live assets in an existing batchValid Id
batch_nameNoStringThe batch name, required when creating a new live batch for this projectNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
source_ipYesStringThe source ip addressNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
video_portYesIntegerThe source video portValid Integer

Response Parameters
asset_idIdThe asset ID for this asset
successBooleanSuccessfully registered

Endpoint: /create/live/registration/srt

Register a new SRT client

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionYesStringThe Stream DescriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
nameYesStringThe Stream NameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
stream_idStringStream ID for this stream
successBooleanSuccessfully registered
tokenStringToken to use for this stream
urlStringConnection details for this Stream

Endpoint: /create/live/registration/whip

Register a new WHIP client e.g. OBS

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionYesStringThe Stream DescriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
nameYesStringThe stream nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanSuccessfully registered
tokenStringAuth Bearer Token
urlStringURL to use for this Stream

Endpoint: /delete/live/registration

Delete a live registration for a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe live registration to deleteValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanIf the live registration was successfully deleted

Endpoint: /list/live/registrations

List live registrations for a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdList live registrations that are currently setup for streaming into this projectValid Id

Response Parameters
additional_detailsObjectAdditional details that can be displayed about this connection
descriptionStringThe stream description
idIdThe live registration id
last_connectedDateWhen the stream was last connected
nameStringThe stream name
registration_dataStringSpecific registration data that may be returned for some stream types
statusStringThe live stream status
typeEnumThe live stream source type

Endpoint: /list/live/servers

List live ice servers for a streaming URL (Available for WHIP tokens only)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
stream_uriYesStringThe stream that the ICE server configuration is required forNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
webrtc_server_configurationObjectWebRTC server configurations to use for STUN and TURN access to live the live server

Endpoint: /start/live/stream

Start the underlying stream, configuring as required. Valid for Elemental, SRT stream types

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
passwordNoStringPassword required for authentication, required for SRTNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
stream_uriNoStringThe URI of the stream that we are startingNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
user_idNoIdUser ID, required for SRTValid Id

Response Parameters
connect_uriStringThe URI of the location the stream should be forwarded to
successBooleanIf the live streaming association was started successfully

Endpoint: /start/live/whip/projectUUID/deviceUUID/streamNumber

Create a new live streaming asset using the WHIP protocol (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-murillo-whip-00). Request body contains SDP Offer, parameters indicated in the URL are described below.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
RequestBodyNoStringThe request body contains the SDP OfferNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
deviceUUIDYesIdQtake UUID (in URL)Valid Id
projectUUIDYesIdQtake UUID (in URL)Valid Id
streamNumberYesIdQtake Stream ID (in URL), if exists already it will reuse the existing assetValid Id

Response Parameters
RequestBodyStringThe response body contains the SDP Answer

Endpoint: /stop/live/stream

Disable a live stream from being shown in Moxion, for Elemental streams this will disable the underlying channel

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idNoIdThe asset ID linked to the stream that will be stoppedValid Id
stream_uriNoStringThe URI of the stream that we are stoppingNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
successBooleanIf the live streaming association was stopped successfully

Endpoint: /stop/live/whip/projectUUID/deviceUUID/streamNumber

Stop receiving a live streaming asset that was created with the WHIP protocol. Parameters indicated in the URL are described below.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
deviceUUIDYesIdQtake UUID (in URL)Valid Id
projectUUIDYesIdQtake UUID (in URL)Valid Id
streamNumberYesIdQtake Stream ID (in URL), if exists already it will reuse the existing assetValid Id

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /update/live/registration/composite

Update a Composite Stream

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionYesStringThe new Stream DescriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
idYesIdThe composite stream ID that we are updatingValid Id
layoutYesObjectThe new composite layoutValid Object
nameYesStringThe new Stream nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
successBooleanSuccessfully updated

Endpoint: /get/message

Get a message

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe message IDValid Id

Response Parameters
allow_downloadBooleanTrue if the message allows asset downloads
bodyStringThe message text
createdDateThe date/time this message was created
expire_daysIntegerThe message expire days
expiryDateThe message expiry time
group_idIdThe production ID this message belongs to
idIdThe message ID
is_deferredBooleanTrue if the message is deferred from viewing. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_expiredBooleanTrue if the message has now expired
last_modifiedDateThe date/time this message was last modified
playlink_idIdThe playlink ID (playlink messages only)
project_idIdThe message project id
project_nameStringThe message project name
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message
sender_roleStringThe role of the user that sent the message
sender_user_idIdThe user ID of the message sender
startDateThe message time this message is available to be used from. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
subjectStringThe message subject
typeEnum [PLAYLINK, MESSAGE]The sent message type

Endpoint: /get/message/assets

Get all the assets attached to a message

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe message IDValid Id
trigger_watermarkingNoBooleanImmediately begin the watermarking process on these assetsValid Boolean

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_count_remainingIntegerHow many times remaining this asset can be viewed
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.
viewing_restrictedStringArrayReason why this asset is restricted from viewing, an attempt to view will be blocked

Endpoint: /get/message/recipients

Get all the users who where sent a message

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe message IDValid Id

Response Parameters
companyStringUsers company name
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name

Endpoint: /get/messages

Get a list of messages

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idsYesIdArrayThe message IDsValid IdArray

Response Parameters
allow_downloadBooleanTrue if the message allows asset downloads
bodyStringThe message text
createdDateThe date/time this message was created
expire_daysIntegerThe message expire days
expiryDateThe message expiry time
group_idIdThe production ID this message belongs to
idIdThe message ID
is_deferredBooleanTrue if the message is deferred from viewing. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_expiredBooleanTrue if the message has now expired
last_modifiedDateThe date/time this message was last modified
playlink_idIdThe playlink ID (playlink messages only)
project_idIdThe message project id
project_nameStringThe message project name
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message
sender_roleStringThe role of the user that sent the message
sender_user_idIdThe user ID of the message sender
startDateThe message time this message is available to be used from. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
subjectStringThe message subject
typeEnum [PLAYLINK, MESSAGE]The sent message type

Endpoint: /get/sent/message

Get a sent message

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe sent message IDValid Id
include_message_contentNoBooleanIncludes the message content fields in the response (defaults to false for backwards compatibility)Valid Boolean

Response Parameters
allow_downloadBooleanTrue if the message allows asset downloads. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
allow_editBooleanWhether the message is editable by the current user (in the case of playlinks this is whether the current user can edit the playlink)
bodyStringThe message text. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
company_idIdThe company id
company_nameStringThe company name
createdDateThe date/time this message was created. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
expire_daysIntegerThe message expire days. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
expiryDateThe message expiry time. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
folderEnum [INBOX, ARCHIVE, SENT]The folder that this sent message belongs to
group_colorIntegerThe group color
group_idIdThe production ID this sent message belongs to
group_nameStringThe production display name this sent message belongs to
idIdThe sent message ID
is_deferredBooleanTrue if the message is deferred from viewing. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_expiredBooleanTrue if the message has now expired. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_starredBooleanWhether the sent message is marked with a star
is_unreadBooleanWhether the message is currently marked as unread
is_unviewedBooleanDeprecated: always returns false
last_modifiedDateThe date/time this message was last modified (to display to user)
message_idIdThe message id
modified_sinceDateThe date/time this sent message was modified (for caching inbox data)
playlink_idIdThe playlink ID (playlink messages only). Only returned if include_message_content is true.
project_idIdThe message project id. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
project_nameStringThe message project name. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
read_timestampDateTime when the message was read
search_contextStringText to apply client-side full text search against
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_roleStringThe role of the user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_user_idIdThe user ID of the message sender. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
startDateThe message time this message is available to be used from. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
subjectStringThe message subject. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
typeEnum [PLAYLINK, MESSAGE]The sent message type. Only returned if include_message_content is true.

Endpoint: /get/sent/messages

Get available sent messages for the current user. Note must specify either ids or folder.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
folderNoEnum [INBOX, ARCHIVE, SENT]The folder to get sent messages for.Valid Enum
idsNoIdArrayThe the sent messages ids to get data.Valid IdArray
ids_onlyNoBooleanOnly return message ids in the response (defaults to false)Valid Boolean
include_message_contentNoBooleanIncludes the message content fields in the response (defaults to false for backwards compatibility)Valid Boolean
modified_sinceNoDateOnly return messages that have been modified since this dateValid Date

Response Parameters
allow_downloadBooleanTrue if the message allows asset downloads. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
allow_editBooleanWhether the message is editable by the current user (in the case of playlinks this is whether the current user can edit the playlink)
bodyStringThe message text. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
company_idIdThe company id
company_nameStringThe company name
createdDateThe date/time this message was created. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
expire_daysIntegerThe message expire days. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
expiryDateThe message expiry time. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
folderEnum [INBOX, ARCHIVE, SENT]The folder that this sent message belongs to
group_colorIntegerThe group color
group_idIdThe production ID this sent message belongs to
group_nameStringThe production display name this sent message belongs to
idIdThe sent message ID
is_deferredBooleanTrue if the message is deferred from viewing. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_expiredBooleanTrue if the message has now expired. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_starredBooleanWhether the sent message is marked with a star
is_unreadBooleanWhether the message is currently marked as unread
is_unviewedBooleanDeprecated: always returns false
last_modifiedDateThe date/time this message was last modified (to display to user)
message_idIdThe message id
modified_sinceDateThe date/time this sent message was modified (for caching inbox data)
playlink_idIdThe playlink ID (playlink messages only). Only returned if include_message_content is true.
project_idIdThe message project id. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
project_nameStringThe message project name. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
read_timestampDateTime when the message was read
search_contextStringText to apply client-side full text search against
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_roleStringThe role of the user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_user_idIdThe user ID of the message sender. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
startDateThe message time this message is available to be used from. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
subjectStringThe message subject. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
typeEnum [PLAYLINK, MESSAGE]The sent message type. Only returned if include_message_content is true.

Endpoint: /get/sent/messages/count

Get count of available sent messages for the current user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
folderYesEnum [INBOX, ARCHIVE, SENT]The folder to get sent messages for.Valid Enum

Response Parameters
countIntegerThe count of messages in the folder
last_modifiedDateThe most recent last modified time of any message in the folder
unreadIntegerThe count of unread messages in the folder

Endpoint: /update/sent/message

Updates a sent message (only valid for messages sent to the current user)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe sent message IDValid Id
include_message_contentNoBooleanIncludes the message content fields in the response (defaults to false for backwards compatibility)Valid Boolean
is_unreadNoBooleanWhether the sent message is unreadValid Boolean

Response Parameters
allow_downloadBooleanTrue if the message allows asset downloads. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
allow_editBooleanWhether the message is editable by the current user (in the case of playlinks this is whether the current user can edit the playlink)
bodyStringThe message text. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
company_idIdThe company id
company_nameStringThe company name
createdDateThe date/time this message was created. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
expire_daysIntegerThe message expire days. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
expiryDateThe message expiry time. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
folderEnum [INBOX, ARCHIVE, SENT]The folder that this sent message belongs to
group_colorIntegerThe group color
group_idIdThe production ID this sent message belongs to
group_nameStringThe production display name this sent message belongs to
idIdThe sent message ID
is_deferredBooleanTrue if the message is deferred from viewing. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_expiredBooleanTrue if the message has now expired. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
is_starredBooleanWhether the sent message is marked with a star
is_unreadBooleanWhether the message is currently marked as unread
is_unviewedBooleanDeprecated: always returns false
last_modifiedDateThe date/time this message was last modified (to display to user)
message_idIdThe message id
modified_sinceDateThe date/time this sent message was modified (for caching inbox data)
playlink_idIdThe playlink ID (playlink messages only). Only returned if include_message_content is true.
project_idIdThe message project id. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
project_nameStringThe message project name. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
read_timestampDateTime when the message was read
search_contextStringText to apply client-side full text search against
sender_first_nameStringThe first name of user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_last_nameStringThe last name of the user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_roleStringThe role of the user that sent the message. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
sender_user_idIdThe user ID of the message sender. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
startDateThe message time this message is available to be used from. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
subjectStringThe message subject. Only returned if include_message_content is true.
typeEnum [PLAYLINK, MESSAGE]The sent message type. Only returned if include_message_content is true.

Endpoint: /add/playlink/asset

Add an asset to a playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id

Response Parameters
addedBooleanTrue if the asset has been added
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.

Endpoint: /add/playlink/user

Add a user to playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
emailYesStringThe users email addressLength must not exceed 254
Valid email format
first_nameYesStringThe users first nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id
last_nameYesStringThe users last nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
addedBooleanTrue if the user has been added
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /get/playlink/assets

Get all the assets within a playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_count_remainingIntegerHow many times remaining this asset can be viewed
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.
viewing_restrictedStringArrayReason why this asset is restricted from viewing, an attempt to view will be blocked

Endpoint: /get/playlink/users

Get all the users on a playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
first_nameStringUsers first name
hashStringThe playlink hash for this user
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
opensIntegerThe number of times the playlink has been opened
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /remove/playlink/asset

Remove an asset from a playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id

Response Parameters
removedBooleanTrue if the asset has been removed

Endpoint: /remove/playlink/user

Remove a user from a playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id
user_idYesIdThe user IDValid Id

Response Parameters
removedBooleanTrue if the user has been removed

Endpoint: /set/playlink/asset/order

Set the order of an asset in a playlink

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idYesIdThe asset IDValid Id
idYesIdThe playlink IDValid Id
orderYesIntegerThe order valueValid Integer

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanTrue if the asset has been updated

Endpoint: /add/playlist/assets

Add assets to a playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idsYesIdArrayThe asset IDsValid IdArray
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id

Response Parameters
addedBooleanTrue if the assets were added

Endpoint: /create/playlist

Create a new empty playlist owned by the current user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionNoStringThe description of the playlistNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
nameYesStringThe name of the playlistNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
createdDateThe playlist creation date and time
descriptionStringThe playlist description
idIdThe playlist ID
modifiedDateThe playlist modified date and time
nameStringThe name of the playlist
owner_idIdThe user ID of the playlist owner

Endpoint: /delete/playlist

Delete a playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the playlist has been deleted

Endpoint: /get/playlist

Get a playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id

Response Parameters
createdDateThe playlist creation date and time
descriptionStringThe playlist description
idIdThe playlist ID
modifiedDateThe playlist modified date and time
nameStringThe name of the playlist
owner_idIdThe user ID of the playlist owner

Endpoint: /get/playlist/assets

Get all the assets in a playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
playlist_asset_idIdThe playlist asset ID
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.

Endpoint: /get/playlists

Get all the playlists owned by the current user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
createdDateThe playlist creation date and time
descriptionStringThe playlist description
idIdThe playlist ID
modifiedDateThe playlist modified date and time
nameStringThe name of the playlist
owner_idIdThe user ID of the playlist owner

Endpoint: /remove/playlist/assets

Remove assets from a playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id
playlist_asset_idsYesIdArrayThe playlist asset IDsValid IdArray

Response Parameters
removedBooleanTrue if the assets were removed

Endpoint: /update/playlist

Update an existing playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionNoStringThe description of the playlistNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id
nameNoStringThe name of the playlistNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
createdDateThe playlist creation date and time
descriptionStringThe playlist description
idIdThe playlist ID
modifiedDateThe playlist modified date and time
nameStringThe name of the playlist
owner_idIdThe user ID of the playlist owner

Endpoint: /update/playlist/assets

Update the assets in a playlist - asset_ids defines asset order

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id
playlist_asset_idsYesIdArrayThe playlist asset IDsValid IdArray

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanTrue if the assets were updated

Endpoint: /create/production_folder

Create a new production folder

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorNoStringThe production folder colorValid # Hex Color
Length must not exceed 10
company_idYesIdThe company id for this production folderValid Id
nameYesStringThe production folder nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
colorStringThe production folder color
company_idIdThe production folder's company id
createdDateCreation date time
idIdThe production folder id
nameStringThe production folder name

Endpoint: /delete/production_folder

Delete a production folder. Only empty production folder can be deleted.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe production folder idValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanTrue if succeed

Endpoint: /get/production_folder

The production folder by id

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe production folder idValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe production folder color
company_idIdThe production folder's company id
createdDateCreation date time
idIdThe production folder id
nameStringThe production folder name

Endpoint: /update/production_folder

Update a production folder

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorNoStringThe new production folder colorValid # Hex Color
Length must not exceed 10
idYesIdID of the production folder to updateValid Id
nameNoStringThe new production folder nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
colorStringThe production folder color
company_idIdThe production folder's company id
createdDateCreation date time
idIdThe production folder id
nameStringThe production folder name

Endpoint: /add/group/team

Add a team to an existing production

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe production IDValid Id
team_idYesIdThe team ID to be added to this productionValid Id

Response Parameters
addedBooleanTrue if team has been added to the production

Endpoint: /add/group/usecases

Associate a group with a list of usecases

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
group_idYesIdThe group IDValid Id
usecase_idsYesIdArrayList of usecases to addValid IdArray

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /add/project/team

Add a team to an existing project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
team_idYesIdThe team ID to be added to this projectValid Id

Response Parameters
addedBooleanTrue if all team members have been added to the project

Endpoint: /copy/project

Copy a project to a new parent. Copies any subprojects as well.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
copy_batches_and_assetsNoBooleanCopy batches and assets too. If true, batches and assets are copied for subprojects as well. Default false.Valid Boolean
idYesIdThe ID of the project to copyValid Id
keep_existing_project_settingsYesBooleanRetain the existing project settings. If false, clone down settings from parent.Valid Boolean
keep_existing_users_and_teamsYesBooleanMaintain the existing users and teams on the project (merging users and teams with those on the parent). If false, clone down users and teams from parent without keeping any from the project before it was moved.Valid Boolean
new_parent_group_idYesIdThe group ID of the new parentValid Id
new_parent_project_idYesIdThe project ID of the new parentValid Id

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
copiedBooleanTrue if project has been copied
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /create/group

Create a new empty group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorNoIntegerThe group colorValid Integer
company_idYesIdThe company to create the group underValid Id
control_notesNoStringFree notes to associate with the control recordNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
expiry_dateNoDateProduction start date in ISO 8601 formatValid Date
max_usageNoIntegerMaximum allowed usage for this production, in bytesValid Integer
nameYesStringThe group nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
production_folder_idNoIdThe production folder to create the group underValid Id
production_typeNoEnum [IN_PRODUCTION, TRIAL_PRODUCTION, MANAGED_FOLDER]Production typeValid Enum
settingsNoObjectSettings for this production (only these props are used, the rest are ignored: hdr, dolby_vision, 4k, live_streaming, realtime_review)Valid Object
start_dateNoDateProduction start date in ISO 8601 formatValid Date
usecase_idsNoIdArrayList of usecases for this productionValid IdArray

Response Parameters
allowed_settingsObjectList of allowed settings that be selected for this group
can_create_root_folderBooleanCan this user create a folder at the root level?
can_update_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can update group participants
can_view_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can view group participants
colorIntegerGroup color
company_idIdThe company id for this group
idIdThe group ID
is_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is the production admin
is_company_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is a company admin
is_ownerBooleanIf the requesting user is the owner
nameStringThe group name
ownerIdThe user id of the group owner
production_folder_idIdThe production folder id for this group
production_typeEnum [IN_PRODUCTION, TRIAL_PRODUCTION, MANAGED_FOLDER]Production type
settingsObjectGroup settings
sizesObjectThe group sizes
suspendedDateTime when the group was suspended (Epoch when not suspended)
thumbnail_positionFloatThe thumbnail position for assets in the group
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes
transcode_formatsObjectThe transcode formats for assets in the group
warningsStringArrayList of configuration warnings for this group
watermark_settingsObjectThe group watermark settings

Endpoint: /create/project

Create a new empty project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionNoStringThe project descriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
folder_idNoIdThe project folder idValid Id
group_idYesIdThe production IDValid Id
nameYesStringThe project nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
parent_project_idNoIdThe parent project idValid Id

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
warningsStringArrayList of configuration warnings for this project
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /delete/group/control

Delete control limits from the group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id
notesNoStringThe group control notes to use if existsNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the control record was deleted from the group

Endpoint: /delete/group/team

Delete a team from this production

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe production IDValid Id
team_idYesIdThe team ID to be deleted from this productionValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if team has been deleted from the production

Endpoint: /delete/project/team

Remove a team from an existing project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
team_idYesIdThe team ID to be deleted from this projectValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if team has been deleted from the project

Endpoint: /get/group

Get group by ID

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id

Response Parameters
allowed_settingsObjectList of allowed settings that be selected for this group
can_create_root_folderBooleanCan this user create a folder at the root level?
can_update_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can update group participants
can_view_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can view group participants
colorIntegerGroup color
company_idIdThe company id for this group
idIdThe group ID
is_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is the production admin
is_company_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is a company admin
is_ownerBooleanIf the requesting user is the owner
nameStringThe group name
ownerIdThe user id of the group owner
production_folder_idIdThe production folder id for this group
production_typeEnum [IN_PRODUCTION, TRIAL_PRODUCTION, MANAGED_FOLDER]Production type
settingsObjectGroup settings
sizesObjectThe group sizes
suspendedDateTime when the group was suspended (Epoch when not suspended)
thumbnail_positionFloatThe thumbnail position for assets in the group
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes
transcode_formatsObjectThe transcode formats for assets in the group
watermark_settingsObjectThe group watermark settings

Endpoint: /get/group/control

Get the control/limit record for this group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id

Response Parameters
control_idIdThe control record id
expiry_dateDateExpiry date of the corresponding record
max_usageIntegerMaximum allowed usage
notesStringNotes on the restrictions
record_idIdID of the matching company/group
record_typeStringType of record control attached to
start_dateDateStart date of the corresponding record

Endpoint: /get/group/projects

Get available projects for a given group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id
sort_byNoStringSort the groups by: name, company, created, accessedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /get/group/teams

Get teams added to a group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id

Response Parameters
can_edit_team_detailsBooleanIs the user authorized to edit the company name/color etc (not the participants)?
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this team
company_idIdThe company ID this team belongs to
default_security_groupIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by default.
group_idIdThe production ID this team belongs to. 0 means this is a company level team
idIdThe team ID
is_admin_teamBooleanIs this a reserved company-wide admin team?
is_externally_managedBooleanDoes this team have externally managed users (ie is it a SCIM team)?
nameStringThe team name
settingsObjectTeam settings

Endpoint: /get/group/usecases

Get all usecases associated with a group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
group_idYesIdThe group IDValid Id

Response Parameters
display_nameStringName to display in UI
idIdUnique Id for this usecase

Endpoint: /get/group/users

Get users for this group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id

Response Parameters
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]User's account status (Invited, Active, Deleted)
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringUsers email
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name

Endpoint: /get/groups

Get available groups

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
company_idNoIdInclude only groups for this company IDValid Id
include_projectsNoBooleanReturn array of project IDs belonging to the groupsValid Boolean
production_folder_idNoIdInclude only groups for this production folder IDValid Id
sort_byNoStringSort the groups by: name, company, created, accessedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
allowed_settingsObjectList of allowed settings that be selected for this group
can_create_root_folderBooleanCan this user create a folder at the root level?
can_update_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can update group participants
can_view_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can view group participants
colorIntegerGroup color
company_idIdThe company id for this group
idIdThe group ID
is_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is the production admin
is_company_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is a company admin
is_ownerBooleanIf the requesting user is the owner
nameStringThe group name
ownerIdThe user id of the group owner
production_folder_idIdThe production folder id for this group
production_typeEnum [IN_PRODUCTION, TRIAL_PRODUCTION, MANAGED_FOLDER]Production type
projectsIdArrayArray of project IDs contained in this group
settingsObjectGroup settings
sizesObjectThe group sizes
suspendedDateTime when the group was suspended (Epoch when not suspended)
thumbnail_positionFloatThe thumbnail position for assets in the group
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes
transcode_formatsObjectThe transcode formats for assets in the group
watermark_settingsObjectThe group watermark settings

Endpoint: /get/project

Get a single project by project ID

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
include_breadcrumbsNoBooleanInclude breadcrumbs in the response dataValid Boolean
include_offline_dataNoBooleanInclude additional data for offline usageValid Boolean

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /get/project/filters

Get list of unique metadata filters for this project (based on existing assets and their metadata)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
batchStringArrayList of unique batch names
reelStringArrayList of unique reel names
sceneStringArrayList of unique scene names

Endpoint: /get/project/teams

Get a projects teams

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
can_edit_team_detailsBooleanIs the user authorized to edit the company name/color etc (not the participants)?
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this team
company_idIdThe company ID this team belongs to
default_security_groupIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by default.
group_idIdThe production ID this team belongs to. 0 means this is a company level team
idIdThe team ID
is_admin_teamBooleanIs this a reserved company-wide admin team?
is_externally_managedBooleanDoes this team have externally managed users (ie is it a SCIM team)?
nameStringThe team name
settingsObjectTeam settings

Endpoint: /get/project/usage

Get usage information for a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes, including sub-folders
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes, including sub-folders

Endpoint: /get/project/user

Get a project user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
user_idYesIdThe user IDValid Id

Response Parameters
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]User's account status (Invited, Active, Deleted)
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on project
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on project
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringUsers email
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name
project_permissionsArrayArray of group and team permissions for this user
project_roleStringThe users new project role
security_groupIntegerThe users new security group ID

Endpoint: /get/project/user/details

Get the user roles and permissions for a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
user_idYesIdThe user IDValid Id

Response Parameters
production_idIdThe production this permission derives from
roleStringThe users new project role
security_groupObjectSecurity details pertaining to this permission
team_idIdThe team this permission derives from

Endpoint: /get/projects

Get available projects

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
company_idNoIdOnly get projects in this companyValid Id
group_idNoIdOnly get projects for this group (production)Valid Id
include_batchesNoBooleanReturn array of batch IDs belonging to this projectValid Boolean
include_child_countNoBooleanCompute and return the number of accessible child projects. Returns direct children only, not recursive.Valid Boolean
include_offline_dataNoBooleanInclude additional data for offline usageValid Boolean
include_usersNoBooleanReturn array of user IDs belonging to this project (only active users)Valid Boolean
is_ownerNoBooleanOnly get projects the user is the owner ofValid Boolean
parent_project_idNoIdOnly get projects with this parentValid Id
projectsNoIdArrayOnly get projects with those idsValid IdArray
roots_onlyNoBooleanOnly get projects at the root level. Root projects either have no parent, or no parent accessible to this user.Valid Boolean
sort_byNoStringSort the projects by: name, company, created, accessedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
statusNoEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]Get projects only with the project statusValid Enum

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
batchesIdArrayArray of user IDs
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
child_countIntegerNumber of immediate children
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
usersIdArrayArray of user IDs
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /leave/project

Remove a user from a project and remove a users production/team relationship with a project where required

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
teamsNoIdArrayRemove the user from these team relationshipsValid IdArray
user_idNoIdRemove a specific user (defaults to the current user). Only project admins can specify users other than themselves.Valid Id
validateNoBooleanCheck if this delete will remove the user from the projectValid Boolean

Response Parameters
removedBooleanTrue if user has been removed from the specified project
teamsIdArrayRemove the user from these team relationships
validatedBooleanTrue if the parameters provided will remove the user and all its production/team relationships from the project

Endpoint: /move/project

Move a project to a new parent. Moves any subprojects as well.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe ID of the project to moveValid Id
keep_existing_project_settingsYesBooleanRetain the existing project settings. If false, clone down settings from parent.Valid Boolean
keep_existing_users_and_teamsYesBooleanMaintain the existing users and teams on the project (merging users and teams with those on the parent). If false, clone down users and teams from parent without keeping any from the project before it was moved.Valid Boolean
new_parent_group_idYesIdThe group ID of the new parentValid Id
new_parent_project_idYesIdThe project ID of the new parentValid Id

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
updatedBooleanTrue if project has been updated
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /remove/group/usecases

Remove a list of usecases from a group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
group_idYesIdThe group IDValid Id
usecase_idsYesIdArrayList of usecases to removeValid IdArray

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /search/project/name

Find a project by its name. Partial name search, case insensitive. Intended for typeahead searches.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
company_idYesIdCompany ID to search within.Valid Id
limitNoIntegerMax number of results to return (default 100)Valid Integer
search_termYesStringProject name to find. Partial string, case insensitive. Minimum 3 characters.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not be less than 3 characters

Response Parameters
project_breadcrumbsArrayList of breadcrumbs for projects hit by the search.

Endpoint: /set/group/control

Create/update group control settings/limits

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
expiry_dateNoDateThe last day the group will be activeValid Date
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id
max_usageNoIntegerThe maximum disk usage allowed on assets for the groupValid Integer
notesNoStringNotes on the control recordNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
start_dateNoDateThe first day the group will be activeValid Date

Response Parameters
control_idIdThe control record id
expiry_dateDateExpiry date of the corresponding record
max_usageIntegerMaximum allowed usage
notesStringNotes on the restrictions
record_idIdID of the matching company/group
record_typeStringType of record control attached to
start_dateDateStart date of the corresponding record

Endpoint: /update/group

Update a group

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorNoIntegerThe group colorValid Integer
idYesIdThe group IDValid Id
nameNoStringThe group nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
production_folder_idNoIdThe production folder to move intoValid Id
production_typeNoEnum [IN_PRODUCTION, TRIAL_PRODUCTION, MANAGED_FOLDER]Production typeValid Enum
removedNoIntegerShould the group be marked as deletedValid Integer
settingsNoObjectThe group settingsValid Object
sizesNoObjectThe group sizesValid Object
suspendedNoDateTime when the group was suspended (Epoch when not suspended)Valid Date
thumbnail_positionNoIntegerThe thumbnail position for assets in the groupValid Integer
transcode_formatsNoObjectThe transcode formats for assets in the groupValid Object
watermark_settingsNoObjectThe group watermark settingsValid Object

Response Parameters
allowed_settingsObjectList of allowed settings that be selected for this group
can_create_root_folderBooleanCan this user create a folder at the root level?
can_update_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can update group participants
can_view_participantsBooleanIf the requesting user can view group participants
colorIntegerGroup color
company_idIdThe company id for this group
idIdThe group ID
is_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is the production admin
is_company_adminBooleanIf the requesting user is a company admin
is_ownerBooleanIf the requesting user is the owner
nameStringThe group name
ownerIdThe user id of the group owner
production_folder_idIdThe production folder id for this group
production_typeEnum [IN_PRODUCTION, TRIAL_PRODUCTION, MANAGED_FOLDER]Production type
settingsObjectGroup settings
sizesObjectThe group sizes
suspendedDateTime when the group was suspended (Epoch when not suspended)
thumbnail_positionFloatThe thumbnail position for assets in the group
total_uploaded_usageIntegerTotal uploaded usage in bytes
total_usageIntegerTotal usage in bytes
transcode_formatsObjectThe transcode formats for assets in the group
updatedBooleanTrue if this production has been updated
warningsStringArrayList of configuration warnings for this group
watermark_settingsObjectThe group watermark settings

Endpoint: /update/project

Update a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_view_settingsNoArrayAsset view settingsValid Array
companyNoStringThe company this project belongs toNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100
descriptionNoStringThe project descriptionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
folder_idNoIdThe project folder idValid Id
idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
mfa_enabledNoBooleanMFA enabledValid Boolean
nameNoStringThe project nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
overlay_custom_textNoBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlayValid Boolean
overlay_custom_text_valueNoStringOverlay custom text valueNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
overlay_email_addressNoBooleanDisplay email address on the overlayValid Boolean
overlay_font_sizeNoFloatOverlay text sizeValid Float
overlay_opacityNoFloatOverlay text opacityValid Float
overlay_positionNoIntegerOverlay text alignmentValid Integer
overlay_project_nameNoBooleanDisplay project name on the overlayValid Boolean
settingsNoObjectProject settingsValid Object
sizesNoStringThe transcode sizes for this projectNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
statusNoEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project statusValid Enum
thumbnail_positionNoFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)Valid Float
transcode_formatsNoObjectProject alternate download format settingsValid Object
watermark_settingsNoObjectProject watermark settingsValid Object

Response Parameters
accessedDateDate/time when the project was last accessed/updated
allowed_settingsObjectList of project settings that be selected for this project
asset_countIntegerNumber of assets in this project
asset_view_settingsArrayAsset view settings
breadcrumbsArrayArray of breadcrumbs
can_asset_searchBooleanUser can search for assets in this project
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanUser can assign jobs to others
can_commentBooleanUser can view, create, edit or delete comments in this project
can_create_playlinksBooleanUser can create playlinks
can_create_subclipBooleanUser can create subclip
can_create_subprojectBooleanUser can create a child project
can_create_workflowBooleanUser can create workflow
can_delete_assetsBooleanUser can delete assets from this project
can_delete_projectBooleanUser can delete project
can_delete_usersBooleanUser can delete users
can_downloadBooleanUser can download from this project
can_download_nonwatermarkedBooleanUser can download non-watermarked version
can_invite_usersBooleanUser can invite new users to this project
can_offlineBooleanUser can store assets for offline viewing
can_send_to_qtakeBooleanUser can send assets to QTAKE
can_share_assets_in_review_sessionBooleanUser can share assets in the project in a review session
can_take_screenshotBooleanUser can take a screenshot in this project
can_toggle_drmBooleanUser can toggle DRM
can_toggle_mfaBooleanUser can toggle MFA
can_update_assetsBooleanUser can update assets
can_update_batch_visibilityBooleanUser can update batch visibility
can_update_batchesBooleanUser can update batches
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this project
can_update_watermarkBooleanUser can update watermarks
can_uploadBooleanUser can upload into this project
can_viewBooleanUser can view assets in this project
can_view_activityBooleanUser can view activity on this project
can_view_hidden_batchesBooleanUser can view hidden batches.
can_view_participantsBooleanUser can view participants on this project
companyStringThe project company
company_idIdThe company associated with the project
createdDateDate/time when the project was created
descriptionStringThe project description
drm_enabledBooleanIs manifest playback is enabled for this project
folder_idIdThe project folder id
groupIdThe group associated with the project (if grouped)
idIdThe project id
is_adminBooleanIs the user who requested this project a project admin
is_ownerBooleanIs the user who requested this project the project owner
mfa_enabledBooleanIs MFA enabled for this project
nameStringThe project name
overlay_custom_textBooleanDisplay custom text on the overlay
overlay_custom_text_valueStringOverlay custom text value
overlay_email_addressBooleanDisplay email address on the overlay
overlay_font_sizeFloatOverlay text size
overlay_opacityFloatOverlay text opacity
overlay_positionIntegerOverlay text alignment
overlay_project_nameBooleanDisplay project name on the overlay
ownerIdThe user id of the project owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the project owner
parent_project_idIdThe parent project id
playlink_typesStringArrayPlaylink types that are allowed to be used with this project
roleStringThe project role this user has on the project
settingsObjectProject settings
sizesStringThe transcode sizes for this project
statusEnum [ACTIVE, DELETED, ARCHIVED]The project status
thumbnail_positionFloatDefault thumbnail position (0-1)
transcode_formatsObjectProject alternate download format settings
updatedBooleanTrue if project has been updated
warningsStringArrayList of configuration warnings for this project
watermark_settingsObjectProject watermark settings

Endpoint: /update/project/user

Update project specific settings for a user on a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
email_notification_commentNoBooleanGet email notifications when someone commentsValid Boolean
email_notification_deleteNoBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assetsValid Boolean
email_notification_downloadNoBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloadsValid Boolean
email_notification_immediatesNoBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploadedValid Boolean
email_notification_immediates_intervalNoIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notificationsValid Integer
email_notification_screencaptureNoBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen captureValid Boolean
email_notification_uploadNoBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploadsValid Boolean
email_notification_viewNoBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an assetValid Boolean
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
project_roleNoStringThe users new project roleNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
reset_mfaNoBooleanReset the users MFA credentials so they can run MFA setup againValid Boolean
security_groupNoIntegerThe users new security group IDValid Integer
user_idYesIdThe user IDValid Id

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanTrue if the user has been updated

Endpoint: /create/project_folder

Create a new project folder

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
colorNoStringThe project folder colorValid # Hex Color
Length must not exceed 10
group_idYesIdThe production id for this project folderValid Id
nameYesStringThe project folder nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
colorStringThe project folder color
createdDateCreation date time
group_idIdThe project folder production id
idIdThe project folder id
nameStringThe project folder name

Endpoint: /delete/project_folder

Delete a project folder. Only empty production folder can be deleted.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project folder idValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanTrue if succeed

Endpoint: /get/project_folder

Get project folder by id

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe project folder idValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe project folder color
createdDateCreation date time
group_idIdThe project folder production id
idIdThe project folder id
nameStringThe project folder name

Endpoint: /get/project_folders

Get all project folders for a production

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
group_idYesIdThe production id for the project folderValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe project folder color
createdDateCreation date time
group_idIdThe project folder production id
idIdThe project folder id
nameStringThe project folder name

Endpoint: /update/project_folder

Update a project folder

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorNoStringThe new project folder colorValid # Hex Color
Length must not exceed 10
idYesIdID of the project folder to updateValid Id
nameNoStringThe new project folder nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
colorStringThe project folder color
createdDateCreation date time
group_idIdThe project folder production id
idIdThe project folder id
nameStringThe project folder name

Endpoint: /get/report

Generate a report for assets specified (project based)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idsNoIdArrayArray of asset IDs to filter by, if not supplied all assets are returnedValid IdArray
asset_orderYesStringAsset orderingNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
comments_reportNoBooleanSwitch report style to comments mode and include all asset commentsValid Boolean
exclude_nullNoBooleanOnly return metadata which is not nullValid Boolean
formatNoStringOutput file format (default is `pdf`).No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
group_byNoStringGroup assets byNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
include_imagesNoBooleanInclude source images in the report ZIPValid Boolean
metadataYesBooleanFlag indicating if metadata files (LUT, CDL, ALE etc) should be included with the reportValid Boolean
only_commentsNoBooleanIf comments report mode, only include assets that actually have commentsValid Boolean
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id
report_nameNoStringSpecify a custom name for the Report document and Zip file.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
save_reportNoBooleanSave this report into the project under a batch called 'Reports'Valid Boolean

Response Parameters
task_idStringThe ID of the processing task generating the report

Endpoint: /get/report/playlist

Generate a report for the assets in the specified playlists

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_idsNoIdArrayArray of asset IDs to filter by, if not supplied all assets are returnedValid IdArray
comment_scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of the comments to showValid Enum
comments_reportNoBooleanSwitch report style to comments mode and include all asset commentsValid Boolean
exclude_nullNoBooleanOnly return metadata which is not nullValid Boolean
formatNoStringOutput file format (default is `pdf`).No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
include_imagesNoBooleanInclude source images in the report ZIPValid Boolean
metadataYesBooleanFlag indicating if metadata files (LUT, CDL, ALE etc) should be included with the reportValid Boolean
only_commentsNoBooleanIf comments report mode, only include assets that actually have commentsValid Boolean
playlist_idsYesIdArrayList of playlists to report upon.Valid IdArray
report_nameNoStringSpecify a custom name for the Report document and Zip file.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
review_session_idNoIdThe realtime review session ID of the comments to export (if scope is REVIEW_SESSION)Valid Id

Response Parameters
task_idStringThe ID of the processing task generating the report

Endpoint: /complete/review_session

Complete a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /create/review_session

Create a new empty review session owned by the current user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfNoBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?Valid Boolean
comment_scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of the comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)Valid Enum
company_idYesIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review sessionValid Id
descriptionNoStringThe description of the review sessionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
host_user_idsNoIdArrayThe user IDs of review session hostsValid IdArray
mute_participants_on_entryNoBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?Valid Boolean
nameYesStringThe name of the review sessionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
playlist_idsNoIdArrayThe review session playlist IDsValid IdArray
user_idsNoIdArrayThe user IDs of review session participantsValid IdArray

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /delete/review_session

Delete a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the review session has been deleted

Endpoint: /get/playlist/review_sessions

Get all the review sessions that reference a playlist

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
playlist_idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /get/review_session

Get a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /get/review_session/playlist/assets

Get assets for a playlist in a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
playlist_idYesIdThe playlist IDValid Id

Response Parameters
batch_idIdThe batch ID this asset was belongs to
batch_nameStringThe batch name
can_commentBooleanUser can comment on this asset
colorspacesStringArrayThe color spaces available for this asset (SDR/HDR/DOVI)
comment_countIntegerNumber of comments against this asset
createdDateThe date/time this asset was created
descStringThe asset description
drm_enabledBooleanWhether manifest playback is enabled on the project that contains this asset.
durationFloatThe asset duration (in seconds)
extStringThe original asset file extension
hdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in HDR.
hiddenBooleanThe asset is hidden and not visible to users that don't have permission to view hidden batches
idIdThe asset ID
is_derived_sdrBooleanTrue if the Asset has generated an SDR from an HDR, False if the user has provided their own SDR
is_derived_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_derived_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_liveBooleanAsset is currently live streaming
is_sdr_allowedBooleanRead Only replication of the is_sdr_allowed Project Setting
is_unviewedBooleanIs this asset not viewed by current user
master_idIdThe master asset Id
metadataObjectThe assets metadata
nameStringThe asset file name (without original file extension)
offline_bytesIntegerNumber of bytes of primary files that needed to be downloaded for offline usage
playlist_asset_idIdThe playlist asset ID
processing_estimateObjectEstimated phase processing times (can be null)
"preprocessPhaseCount": integer, Phase count before a full set of estimates are available.
"currentPhase" integer, The current phase. This is an index into the phases array.
"phases" [{ An array of phase estimates.
"name" string, The phase name.
"duration" number The estimated phase duration in seconds.
project_idIdThe project ID this asset belongs to
scrub_jpg_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_urlStringThe URL for the scrub JPG
scrub_jpg_url_2xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (2x resolution)
scrub_jpg_url_3xStringThe URL for the scrub JPG (3x resolution)
scrub_urlStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber
scrub_url_2xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (2x resolution)
scrub_url_3xStringThe URL for the thumbnail scrubber (3x resolution)
scrub_url_framesIntegerThe number of frames in the thumbnail scrubber
sdr_screen_brightnessFloatThe screen brightness value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to be applied on iPhone and iPad devices when playing in SDR.
sort_indexIntegerThe sort index to use for display (low value should be display at the first)
subtypeEnum [STREAMING, LIVE]The asset sub type
tagsIdArrayThe tag IDs for this asset
thumbnail_urlStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset
thumbnail_url_2xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (2x resolution)
thumbnail_url_3xStringThe primary thumbnail URL for this asset (3x resolution)
timelinesStringStringified JSON Array of timelines associated with this asset. Each timeline object contains array with segment objects.
transcode_progressFloatThe total transcoding progress percentage
typeEnum [VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, ZIP, AUDIO, UNKNOWN]The asset type
user_idIdThe user ID this asset was created/uploaded by
uuidStringThe asset UUID (if set)
view_linkStringLink to view the asset in the Moxion web application.

Endpoint: /get/review_session/playlists

Get all the playlists in a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id

Response Parameters
createdDateThe playlist creation date and time
descriptionStringThe playlist description
idIdThe playlist ID
modifiedDateThe playlist modified date and time
nameStringThe name of the playlist
owner_idIdThe user ID of the playlist owner

Endpoint: /get/review_session/user

Get a user in a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
user_idYesIdThe user IDValid Id

Response Parameters
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringThe user's email address
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the user is a host of the review session
last_nameStringUsers last name
roleStringThe user's role as it appears in the review session

Endpoint: /get/review_session/users

Get all the users in a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
include_ownerNoBooleanWhether to include the review session ownerValid Boolean

Response Parameters
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringThe user's email address
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the user is a host of the review session
last_nameStringUsers last name
roleStringThe user's role as it appears in the review session

Endpoint: /get/review_sessions

Get all the review sessions visible to the current user

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /join/review_session

Join a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
media_regionYesStringThe user's preferred Chime media regionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
attendeeStringChime meeting attendee JSON data
meetingStringChime meeting JSON data

Endpoint: /set/review_session/state

Set the current review session state

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
asset_stateNoStringThe current asset state JSON dataNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
sync_modeYesEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync modeValid Enum

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /set/review_session/user/host

Set whether a user is a review session host

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
is_hostYesBooleanWhether the user is a host of the review sessionValid Boolean
user_idYesIdThe user IDValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanTrue if the user's host status was updated successfully

Endpoint: /set/review_session/user/role

Set the current user's role on a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
roleNoStringThe user's role as it appears in the review sessionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
successBooleanTrue if the user's role was set successfully

Endpoint: /start/review_session

Start a review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /update/review_session

Update an existing review session

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfNoBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?Valid Boolean
comment_scopeNoEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of the comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)Valid Enum
company_idNoIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review sessionValid Id
descriptionNoStringThe description of the review sessionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
host_user_idsNoIdArrayThe user IDs of review session hostsValid IdArray
idYesIdThe review session IDValid Id
mute_participants_on_entryNoBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?Valid Boolean
nameNoStringThe name of the review sessionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
playlist_idsNoIdArrayThe review session playlist IDsValid IdArray
user_idsNoIdArrayThe user IDs of review session participantsValid IdArray

Response Parameters
allow_participants_to_unmute_selfBooleanShould participants be allowed to unmute themselves?
asset_stateStringThe current asset state JSON data
comment_scopeEnum [ASSET, REVIEW_SESSION]The scope of comments posted in this review session (asset or session-only)
company_idIdThe ID of the company displayed in the review session
company_nameStringThe name of the company displayed in the review session
createdDateThe review session creation date and time
descriptionStringThe name of the review session
end_timeDateThe review session end date and time
idIdThe review session ID
is_hostBooleanTrue if the current user is a host of the review session
is_ownerBooleanTrue if the current user owns the review session
last_joinedDateThe most recent time any user joined the review session
modifiedDateThe review session modified date and time
mute_participants_on_entryBooleanShould all participants be muted initially?
nameStringThe name of the review session
owner_idIdThe user ID of the review session owner
owner_nameStringThe name of the review session owner
start_timeDateThe review session start date and time
statusEnum [DRAFT, SCHEDULED, STARTED, COMPLETE]The review session status
sync_modeEnum [HOST, EVERYONE, UNSYNCED]The current sync mode

Endpoint: /server-status

Check the server status

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
okBooleanShould be true unless theres a problem...
status_errorStringAny error messages

Endpoint: /server-status/drm/api

Check that new DRM assets can be created, returns XML

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /server-status/drm/key

Check existing DRM assets can be accessed, returns XML

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters

Response Parameters

Endpoint: /shotgun/get/entity/types

Fetch all entity types from shotgun

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe moxion project ID to load shotgun settings fromValid Id

Response Parameters
defaultBooleanThis is the default entity
sg_entity_nameStringThe shotgun entity name
sg_entity_typeStringThe shotgun entity type

Endpoint: /shotgun/get/projects

Fetch all projects from shotgun

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe moxion project ID to load shotgun settings fromValid Id

Response Parameters
defaultBooleanThis is the default project
sg_project_idStringThe shotgun project ID
sg_project_nameStringThe shotgun project name

Endpoint: /shotgun/update/entities

Sync metadata from moxion assets into shotgun entities. Creates shotgun entities if they don't exist, updates otherwise

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
assetsYesIdArrayArray of moxion asset IDs to sync metadata fromValid IdArray
project_idYesIdThe moxion project ID to load shotgun settings fromValid Id
sg_entity_typeYesStringThe shotgun entity type to create or updateNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
sg_project_idYesStringThe shotgun project ID to updateNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
assetsIdArrayArray of moxion asset IDs that were able to be updated
entitiesStringArrayArray of shotgun entity codes that were able to be updated
updatedIntegerThe number of entities updated/created in shotgun

Endpoint: /create/tag


Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorYesStringThe tag colorValid # Hex Color
Length must not exceed 10
nameYesStringThe tag nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
project_idYesIdThe project ID this tag belongs toValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe tag color
idIdThe tag ID
nameStringThe tag name
project_idIdThe project ID this tag belongs to

Endpoint: /delete/tag

Delete a tag

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
forceNoBooleanRemove this tag from its associated assets then delete this tagValid Boolean
idYesIdThe tag IDValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if this tag has been deleted

Endpoint: /get/tag

Fetch a single tag

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe tag IDValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe tag color
idIdThe tag ID
nameStringThe tag name
project_idIdThe project ID this tag belongs to

Endpoint: /get/tags

Fetch all tags that belong to a project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
project_idYesIdThe project IDValid Id

Response Parameters
colorStringThe tag color
idIdThe tag ID
nameStringThe tag name
project_idIdThe project ID this tag belongs to

Endpoint: /update/tag

Update a tag

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
colorNoStringThe tag colorValid # Hex Color
Length must not exceed 10
idYesIdThe tag IDValid Id
nameNoStringThe tag nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45

Response Parameters
colorStringThe tag color
idIdThe tag ID
nameStringThe tag name
project_idIdThe project ID this tag belongs to

Endpoint: /add/team/user

Add user to an existing team

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id
role_idNoIdThe role to add this user to the team asValid Id
role_id_listNoIdArrayA list of role ids to add this user to the team as, must have the same number of items as user_id_listValid IdArray
security_group_idNoIntegerThe security group to add these users to the team with Valid Integer
user_idNoIdThe user to add to the teamValid Id
user_id_listNoIdArrayA list of user ids to add to the team, must have the same number of items as role_id_listValid IdArray

Response Parameters
addedBooleanTrue if the users were added to the team

Endpoint: /create/team

Create a team within a company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
company_idYesIdThe company ID this team belongs toValid Id
default_security_groupNoIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by defaultValid Integer
group_idNoIdThe production ID this team belongs toValid Id
nameYesStringThe team nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
settingsYesObjectTeam settingsValid Object

Response Parameters
can_edit_team_detailsBooleanIs the user authorized to edit the company name/color etc (not the participants)?
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this team
company_idIdThe company ID this team belongs to
default_security_groupIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by default.
group_idIdThe production ID this team belongs to. 0 means this is a company level team
idIdThe team ID
is_admin_teamBooleanIs this a reserved company-wide admin team?
is_externally_managedBooleanDoes this team have externally managed users (ie is it a SCIM team)?
nameStringThe team name
settingsObjectTeam settings

Endpoint: /delete/team

Delete a team by team id

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id
productionsNoIdArrayRemove the user from these productionsValid IdArray
projectsNoIdArrayRemove the user from these projectsValid IdArray
validateNoBooleanCheck if this delete will work without actually deletingValid Boolean

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the team (and all containing team relationships) were deleted
productionsIdArrayRemove the user from these productions
projectsIdArrayRemove the user from these projects
validatedBooleanTrue if the team and the parameters provided are valid

Endpoint: /delete/team/user

Delete user from a team

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id
user_idYesIdThe user to remove from the teamValid Id

Response Parameters
deletedBooleanTrue if the user was deleted from the team

Endpoint: /get/team

Get this teams details (the currently connected user)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id

Response Parameters
can_edit_team_detailsBooleanIs the user authorized to edit the company name/color etc (not the participants)?
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this team
company_idIdThe company ID this team belongs to
default_security_groupIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by default.
group_idIdThe production ID this team belongs to. 0 means this is a company level team
idIdThe team ID
is_admin_teamBooleanIs this a reserved company-wide admin team?
is_externally_managedBooleanDoes this team have externally managed users (ie is it a SCIM team)?
nameStringThe team name
settingsObjectTeam settings

Endpoint: /get/team/users

Get users for this team

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id

Response Parameters
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]User's account status (Invited, Active, Deleted)
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringUsers email
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name
project_role_idIdThe users project role ID
project_role_nameStringThe users project role name
security_group_idIntegerThe users security group ID

Endpoint: /get/teams

Get all of the teams associated with this company

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
company_idYesIdThe company IDValid Id

Response Parameters
can_edit_team_detailsBooleanIs the user authorized to edit the company name/color etc (not the participants)?
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this team
company_idIdThe company ID this team belongs to
default_security_groupIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by default.
group_idIdThe production ID this team belongs to. 0 means this is a company level team
idIdThe team ID
is_admin_teamBooleanIs this a reserved company-wide admin team?
is_externally_managedBooleanDoes this team have externally managed users (ie is it a SCIM team)?
nameStringThe team name
settingsObjectTeam settings

Endpoint: /get/teams/users

Get users for multiple teams. May return a user multiple times if they are in several teams.

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
team_idsYesIdArrayThe team IDValid IdArray

Response Parameters
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]User's account status (Invited, Active, Deleted)
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringUsers email
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name
project_role_idIdThe users project role ID
project_role_nameStringThe users project role name
security_group_idIntegerThe users security group ID
team_idIdTeam associated with this user

Endpoint: /update/team

Update a team by team id

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
default_security_groupNoIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by defaultValid Integer
group_idNoIdThe team production ID, pass empty string to change to company level teamValid Id
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id
nameNoStringThe team nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
settingsNoObjectTeam settingsValid Object

Response Parameters
can_edit_team_detailsBooleanIs the user authorized to edit the company name/color etc (not the participants)?
can_update_participantsBooleanUser can update participants on this team
company_idIdThe company ID this team belongs to
default_security_groupIntegerThe security group that new members of this team will be assigned to by default.
group_idIdThe production ID this team belongs to. 0 means this is a company level team
idIdThe team ID
is_admin_teamBooleanIs this a reserved company-wide admin team?
is_externally_managedBooleanDoes this team have externally managed users (ie is it a SCIM team)?
nameStringThe team name
settingsObjectTeam settings
updatedBooleanTrue if the team has been updated

Endpoint: /update/team/user

Update user details in a team

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe team IDValid Id
role_idNoIdThe new role IDValid Id
security_group_idNoIntegerThe new security group IDValid Integer
user_idYesIdThe user to update in theValid Id

Response Parameters
updatedBooleanTrue if update succeeded

Endpoint: /get/usecases

Get list of all usecases in the system

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
display_nameStringName to display in UI
idIdUnique Id for this usecase

Endpoint: /get/public/user

Get public user information for the given email address

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
emailYesStringThe user's email addressLength must not exceed 254
Valid email format

Response Parameters
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringThe user's email address
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name

Endpoint: /get/security/groups

Get a list of all default user security groups

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
company_idNoIdThe company ID of the security groupValid Id

Response Parameters
can_assign_job_to_othersBooleanCan the user assign jobs to other users
can_create_playlinksBooleanCan the user create new playlinks
can_delete_assetsBooleanCan the user delete assets
can_delete_usersBooleanCan the user remove other users from the project
can_downloadBooleanCan the user download assets
can_invite_usersBooleanCan the user invite new or existing users to the project
can_uploadBooleanCan the user upload assets
can_viewBooleanCan the user view/playback assets
idIntegerThe security group ID
is_adminBooleanThis security group is for a project administrator
lang_keyStringLanguage key
nameStringThe name of the security group

Endpoint: /get/user

Get this users details (the currently connected user)

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
elevio_hashStringElevio authentication hash
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
externally_managedBooleanIs this user sourced from outside Moxion (ie SCIM)?
first_nameStringUsers first name
helpscout_user_signatureStringHelpscout user signature
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
remember_playback_positionBooleanRemember the playback position for video
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
server_timeDateCurrent server time (ISO format)
session_dataStringUsers persistent app session data
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /get/users

Get all associated users / participants

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
exclude_projectNoIdExclude users who are already connected to this project IDValid Id
include_inactiveNoBooleanInclude users who no longer have access to this projectValid Boolean
project_idNoIdOnly get the users related to this projectValid Id
required_permissionNoStringOnly include users who have the specified permissionNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions

Response Parameters
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]User's account status (Invited, Active, Deleted)
companyStringUsers company name
emailStringUsers email
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
last_nameStringUsers last name
project_permissionsArrayArray of group and team permissions for this user

Endpoint: /invite/user

Invite a new (or existing) user to an existing project

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
companyNoStringUsers company nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100
company_idNoIdThe company id for this inviteValid Id
emailYesStringUsers emailLength must not exceed 254
Valid email format
first_nameYesStringUsers first nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100
group_idNoIdThe group id for this inviteValid Id
inbox_onlyNoBooleanUsers inbox only settingValid Boolean
last_nameYesStringUsers last nameNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 100
project_idNoIdThe project this user is being invited toValid Id
project_roleNoStringThe role for this user on this projectNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
security_groupYesIntegerThe security group this user will have on the projectValid Integer

Response Parameters
accessedDateLast time the user accessed the system
account_statusEnum [INVITED, ACTIVE, DELETED]The user account status
allow_support_accessBooleanWhether Moxion support is allowed access to your account
api_key_createdDateLast time the API key was created
api_key_last_usedDateLast time the API key was used
api_key_prefixStringCurrent API key prefix
autoplay_videoBooleanIf video should automatically begin playback
cityStringPresent user city (based on IP geolocation)
companyStringUsers company name
countryStringPresent user country (based on IP geolocation)
country_codeStringPresent user country code (based on IP geolocation)
dateformatStringUsers current date and time format
emailStringUsers email
email_notification_commentBooleanGet email notifications when someone comments
email_notification_deleteBooleanGet email notifications when someone deletes assets
email_notification_downloadBooleanGet email notifications when someone downloads
email_notification_immediatesBooleanGet email notifications when immediate footage is uploaded
email_notification_immediates_intervalIntegerInterval in minutes to receive immediate footage email notifications
email_notification_screencaptureBooleanGet email notifications when someone does screen capture
email_notification_uploadBooleanGet email notifications when someone uploads
email_notification_viewBooleanGet email notifications when someone views an asset
external_idp_idStringThe user's unique ID as provided by the external Identity Provider (eg Okta)
first_nameStringUsers first name
idIdThe user ID
inbox_days_until_archiveIntegerThe number of days an inbox message stays in the inbox before being auto-archived
inbox_onlyBooleanUser can only view inbox
invitedBooleanTrue if successful project invitation has been created
ip_addressStringPresent users IP address
last_nameStringUsers last name
latitudeFloatPresent user latitude (based on IP geolocation)
longitudeFloatPresent longitude (based on IP geolocation)
new_userBooleanTrue if a new user has been created, false if they already existed
phoneStringUsers phone number
playout_percentFloatPercentage of playout used relative to the plan limits
playout_totalIntegerTotal amount of playout available
playout_usedIntegerAmount of playout used in bytes
project_roleStringUsers role on the current project (only set for project related requests)
project_security_groupIntegerUsers security group on the current project (only set for project related requests)
regionStringPresent user region (based on IP geolocation)
sequential_playbackBooleanIf the next asset should load automatically after playback completes for the current asset
statusEnum [ONLINE, OFFLINE, CHATTING, VIEWING, UPLOADING, IDLE]Users current activity status
storage_percentFloatPercentage of storage used relative to the plan limits
storage_totalIntegerTotal amount of storage available
storage_usedIntegerAmount of storage used in bytes
sysopBooleanUser is a SysOp
timezoneStringUsers current timezone
trans_mins_percentFloatPercentage of transcode minutes used relative to the plan limits
trans_mins_totalIntegerTotal amount of transcode minutes available
trans_mins_usedIntegerAmount of transcode minutes used

Endpoint: /ping

Send a server ping (with user credentials)

Token Required: No
Array Response: No

Request Parameters

Response Parameters
buildIdStringServer build ID
buildTimeStringServer build time
ipStringUser IP address
maintenance_modeBooleanIf true server has gone into maintenance mode, client should reconnect to next available server
pongBooleanAlways true
sourceVersionStringServer Source Version
timeStringCurrent server time in ISO format

Endpoint: /create/workflow

Create a new workflow

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionNoStringThe description of this workflowNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
destination_asset_filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_identify_expressionNoStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destinationNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
destination_asset_tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean
destination_project_idNoIdThe destination project for this workflowValid Id
nameYesStringThe name of this workflowNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
schedule_typeYesEnum [NONE, REALTIME]The schedule for the workflowValid Enum
source_asset_filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_identify_expressionNoStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destinationNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
source_asset_tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean
source_project_idNoIdThe source project for this workflowValid Id
typeYesEnum [COPY_ACTION, SEND_TO_SHOTGUN]The type of workflowValid Enum

Response Parameters
createdDateWhen the workflow was initially created
created_by_user_idIdThe user that created the workflow
descriptionStringThe description of this workflow
destination_asset_filterStringThe filter text
destination_asset_filter_byStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.
destination_asset_filter_matchStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supported
destination_asset_identify_expressionStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destination
destination_asset_tagsIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDs
destination_asset_tags_match_allBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDs
destination_project_idIdThe destination project for this workflow
idIdThe workflow id
last_edited_by_user_idIdThe user that last edited the workflow
last_executedDateWhen the workflow was last executed
last_updatedDateWhen the workflow was last updated
nameStringThe name of this workflow
owner_user_idIdThe user that the workflow will execute as
schedule_typeEnum [NONE, REALTIME]The schedule for the workflow
source_asset_filterStringThe filter text
source_asset_filter_byStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.
source_asset_filter_matchStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supported
source_asset_identify_expressionStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destination
source_asset_tagsIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDs
source_asset_tags_match_allBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDs
source_project_idIdThe source project for this workflow
typeEnum [COPY_ACTION, SEND_TO_SHOTGUN]The type of workflow
versionIntegerThe workflow version number

Endpoint: /execute/workflow

Execute a workflow

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe workflow idValid Id

Response Parameters
successBooleanTrue if succeeded

Endpoint: /preview/new/workflow

Preview destination assets a new workflow will affect before the workflow is created

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
destination_asset_filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_identify_expressionNoStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destinationNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
destination_asset_tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean
destination_project_idNoIdThe destination project for this workflowValid Id
source_asset_filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_identify_expressionNoStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destinationNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
source_asset_tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean
source_project_idNoIdThe source project for this workflowValid Id
typeYesEnum [COPY_ACTION, SEND_TO_SHOTGUN]The type of workflowValid Enum

Response Parameters
destination_asset_idIdThe source asset id
identify_valueStringThe value obtained from the identify expression that matches the source and destination asset
source_asset_idIdThe source asset id

Endpoint: /preview/workflow

Preview destination assets a workflow will affect when next executed

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: Yes

Request Parameters
idYesIdThe workflow idValid Id

Response Parameters
destination_asset_idIdThe source asset id
identify_valueStringThe value obtained from the identify expression that matches the source and destination asset
source_asset_idIdThe source asset id

Endpoint: /update/workflow

Update an existing workflow

Token Required: Yes
Array Response: No

Request Parameters
descriptionNoStringThe description of this workflowNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 1024
destination_asset_filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_identify_expressionNoStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destinationNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
destination_asset_tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
destination_asset_tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean
idYesIdThe workflow idValid Id
nameNoStringThe name of this workflowNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
Length must not exceed 45
schedule_typeNoEnum [NONE, REALTIME]The schedule for the workflowValid Enum
source_asset_filterNoStringThe filter textNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_filter_byNoStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.No HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_filter_matchNoStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supportedNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_identify_expressionNoStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destinationNo HTML tags
No {{ }} expressions
source_asset_tagsNoIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDsValid IdArray
source_asset_tags_match_allNoBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDsValid Boolean
take_ownershipNoBooleanWhether to take ownership of the workflowValid Boolean

Response Parameters
createdDateWhen the workflow was initially created
created_by_user_idIdThe user that created the workflow
descriptionStringThe description of this workflow
destination_asset_filterStringThe filter text
destination_asset_filter_byStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.
destination_asset_filter_matchStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supported
destination_asset_identify_expressionStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destination
destination_asset_tagsIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDs
destination_asset_tags_match_allBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDs
destination_project_idIdThe destination project for this workflow
idIdThe workflow id
last_edited_by_user_idIdThe user that last edited the workflow
last_executedDateWhen the workflow was last executed
last_updatedDateWhen the workflow was last updated
nameStringThe name of this workflow
owner_user_idIdThe user that the workflow will execute as
schedule_typeEnum [NONE, REALTIME]The schedule for the workflow
source_asset_filterStringThe filter text
source_asset_filter_byStringFilter only by a particular asset field. If not present filters on a range of fields.
source_asset_filter_matchStringFilter matching type. Currently only 'case-insensitive contains' operation supported
source_asset_identify_expressionStringThe expression to used to identify an asset in the source project the resulting value will be used to find a matching asset in the destination
source_asset_tagsIdArrayOnly fetch assets with the given tag IDs
source_asset_tags_match_allBooleanIf fetching by tag, only fetch assets with have ALL of the given tag IDs
source_project_idIdThe source project for this workflow
typeEnum [COPY_ACTION, SEND_TO_SHOTGUN]The type of workflow
versionIntegerThe workflow version number