Late December 2021

๐Ÿ“ฃ New Features and Updates ๐ŸŽ‰

It's our final release of the year! Thanks for tuning in, and we can't wait to show you what we have in store for 2022:)

Optional MFA Verification For All Logins

As an additional layer of security, if required, we can force an authenticator prompt whenever the device locks or idles. This is particularly useful for use on computers in shared spaces to reduce the risk of unauthorised access to content.

Performance Optimizations 

Our Engineers have been under the hood optimizing Moxion, including:

  • Increased performance for admin users across high volume accounts.
  • Increased performance when copying/moving large quantities of assets across Moxion.
  • Increased performance and load speed when switching between the Viewer and Desktop.

๐Ÿ› Bugfixes ๐Ÿž

Here are the highlights of our resolved issues coming through in this release:

Watermarking Send to QTAKE Content

When sending content to QTAKE operators via Moxion's Send to QTAKE feature, the assets received were forensically watermarked but lacked visible watermarking. From customer feedback we have adjusted this to always include the burn-in watermark where applicable within the folder.