2022/02 - Mid February Release
📣 New Features and Updates 🎉
These are the most notable new additions to Moxion in this release!

Realtime Rooms: Video Chat
A hotly requested upgrade to our Realtime Rooms - video chat allows you to sidestep the need for external apps and lets all that good collaboration happen within Moxion. And, if you're shy, you can to turn off your camera at any time.

Desktop/Playlinks: Added tooltip for long asset names
When adding assets to playlinks you can now hover over the asset names to reveal the full title in cases where it may appear truncated.
iOS: Improved Live Asset Support
We’ve improved our support for Live Assets on the iPhone and have made these assets now available for playback within a users Inbox!
🐛 Bugfixes 🐞
Here are the highlights of our resolved issues coming through in this release
Desktop: Improved ALE handling
We’ve improved our handling of ALE files with under 10 columns. In cases where you would previously have needed multiple blank columns to meet the 10 column threshold, we’re now able to manage ALE files with as few as 1-3 columns.
Desktop/Playlinks: Improved the Timezone experience
We’ve also made tweaks and adjustments to the timezone selector within the playlink creation process to improve usability.
💻 For Developers 💾
We’ve added optional parameters to our complete/upload API:
API: Additional parameters for Upload/Ingest Scalability
Priority level (Primary or Secondary)(defaults to Primary)
Example: When uploading screener assets to the instance these can be designated as Secondary for processing priority. This will allow for prioritization of time-sensitive assets for processing(such as Immediates)
SNS notification topic to receive completion notification
Example: A notification is received on upload processing error/success.
For more information on the Moxion API visit our Help Center