We've built an upgraded and redesigned suite of commenting and markup tools to bring them to web-based Playlinks. They're also coming to the Moxion Inbox for browsers and as an upgrade to the current iPad Inbox commenting and markup toolset.
Whether it's color and cut reviews, timed dailies releases, or some assets from a location scout, the ability to gather feedback from your creative teams in a medium that can be exported into actionable formats (TXT, Avid EDL, etc.) allows everyone to do their best work no matter where or when they are.
Combined with the wealth of distribution and security options that are the baseline for playlinks and Moxion, there's no better solution for remote offline collaboration!
◾️Inbox Playlinks
One of the two highly secure playlink options, this type only shows up in your Moxion Inbox and the email notification that comes with it will send you there. You won't notice it at first, but as soon as you start viewing a playlink asset, it will shift to a new player that has commenting built in.
◾️Web-Based Playlinks
All other playlink types, including high and medium security playlinks are also getting this commenting upgrade and will show you the new playlink view as soon as you open them.
◾️Commenting and Markup
All of the tools you're familiar with are here! Text commenting with our suite of markup tools, including free drawing for the mouse- or trackpad-confident and preset shapes for the rest of us.
We've also added a few more color options to choose from for markup:
Private Comments
All playlinks will have siloed commenting. This lets everyone leave notes on their own without any visibility into what others are saying; handy for sensitive material or catty colleagues. These comments are then reflected against the asset within the Desktop view for those with permission.