2023/03 - Late March Release

Updates and New Features

Production Settings: Watermark Template Creation

Admins are now able to create Watermark Templates under Production Settings > Template Watermarking. These watermarks will be used throughout Moxion in a future update, in this release they are available for:

Playlinks: Watermark Template Support

Use Watermark Templates created in Production Settings > Template Watermarking to define the watermark on a playlink-level; changing the overall watermark for the assets for the recipients. Handy if you have a "High Security" or "Low Security" watermark defined as prominently as needed on a contextual basis.

iPadOS: Simple Code Login

Matching our Apple TV app, you can now log into the iPad app with a Simple Code!

Rooms: Voice Chat Improvements

We have introduced a new feature to reduce echo and background noise for speakers within Rooms and improve overall voice quality.

Rooms: Close a room on exit

As the last participant in a room you now have the option to close the room on exit. Last one out, hit the lights.

Bug Fixes

iPad: Offline Playback

We have identified and resolved an issue that could prevent assets from being available offline on iPad devices if they were unwatermarked.