2023/07 - Late July Release
Introducing: the new Moxion for tvOS
Welcome to the new Moxion experience for tvOS platforms!
With our latest update we bring a complete refresh of how you navigate content to put your assets front and centre. Easily jump to your chosen Production using our new Poster icons and find your assets in a breeze with our new thumbnail-based navigation.
Search your Inbox messages for items matching your keywords.
- eg enter “Day 3” to find the play link “Day 3 Dailies”
Our new Home Screen allows for visual navigation of productions and projects using uploaded poster-art.
Filter/Sort Button
- Click to change sorting from A>Z to Z>A
Poster Art can be added in Production Settings for users who are part of the Moxion Beta experience
Within the Production screen we can see
- Shares
- Folder Activity
- Live Streams
With a Notification icon denoting the number of new/unread items.
Content shared with you in the form of Playlinks
Clicking the item opens to show the Message and the assets contained. We can Play All or select individual assets.

Folder Activity
Contents shared with you in the form of Upload Notification

Live Streams
Content shared with you in the form of Live Stream Online notifications
Clicking the Asset Card opens to show all Live Streams linked to this connection

Click your name/icon in the top left corner to see Settings where you’re able to sign out/swap accounts.
Navigating the App - Tips and Tricks
- Dictation
- You can press and hold the microphone button on your Siri Remote to dictate search terms and your login PIN - though be wary of your surroundings before speaking your PIN aloud!
- Jog Wheel navigation
- When using a Siri Remote you can run your finger in a circle to get a precision jog wheel for a more accurate navigation of the timeline - just like your old U2 iPod!