Drag and Drop to Move and Copy Assets

Whether you need to break down your unreleased dailies into a selects folder or pop the latest cut to somewhere the producers can review it, it's never been easier to get assets from one place to another in Flow Capture.

When you drag and drop you'll also be able to notify any person or distro list that's been added to the folder, all in one easy workflow. Read on to learn how!

Getting Started

Select the files you want; this can be individual ones, batches or several disparate assets in the same folder.

In the above screenshot, the checkbox for a batch has been checked, seleecting all of the assets within it. From there, you can click any of the selected assets and then start dragging them to the folder you want to go to.

Once you see that folder outlined in a white box, release your click to drop them in.

That will bring up a window where you'll have some options about the action you want to take and who's informed about it.

  • Copy To - Means the assets will live in the folder you're move them from, as well as the new one you've dropped them into.
  • Move To - Will take the assets out of the source folder and put them into the new folder you've chosen.
  • Notify Participants - Gives you the ability to let people know that something new has been added to the folder in question.

If you're not notifying anyone, then that's it! Job's done. If you are, then by all means keep reading!

Notifying Participants

Checking this box brings up another, larger window where you'll choose the individuals or teams who will be getting an email sent to the address that's connected to their Flow Capture account.

Pick the folks you want to add, and if there's a team you've created ahead of time to use as a distro list, select the next tab over at the top of the window.

Once those selections are made, you can confirm the recipients in the next tab over:

Anyone who doesn't need to get notified can be removed by clicking the X across from the name.

Once you're ready to go, click the Confirm and Notify button, and a notice will pop up in the top right corner of the app letting you know that a message has been sent out to everyone you chose.