Onboarding - Inbox
The Inbox can be thought of as your notification centre within the platform. This section will introduce you to the Inbox interface, as well as the various functions and features that allow you to get the most out of the Inbox experience.
- Inbox User Interface Tour
- Playing from the Inbox
- Flagging, Archiving, and Marking Messages as Read/Unread
- Sorting Messages
- Adding Production Specific Inbox View(s)
- Downloading from the Inbox
Inbox User Interface Tour
Playing from the Inbox
Related: Commenting and annotations
Flagging, Archiving, and Marking Messages as Read/Unread
Sorting Messages
Adding Production Specific Inbox View(s)
Downloading from the Inbox
The next section, the Assets Tab, will act as your organizational hub on the platform. Click next below to learn more.
Next: Get to know the Assets Tab
Previous: User Interface Tour