Getting started as a Viewer in Flow Capture

Welcome to Flow Capture, the award winning full production workflow collaboration and review tool trusted on projects from Hollywood blockbusters to indie breakouts, TV shows and commercials.

Viewing content in Flow Capture is easy, and you can get set up and ready to view in just a few simple steps.

  1. Create and log into your account
  2. Setup MFA
  3. Get to know the Inbox

Create and log into your Account

Click here for a video tutorial, or follow the steps below.

You'll receive an invite from Flow Capture to create your account. The subject will be Welcome to Flow Capture, and it will be sent from if you need to find it in your email inbox.

Click the "Set Up Account" button to get your account created:

Clicking this will prompt you to set up a password. The login email will always be the email address that received the invite. 

Video Tutorial - Account Creation

Video Tutorial - Logging In

Set up Multi-factor Authentication

If your Production has Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled, you'll need to go through an extra login step as a security precaution. You'll know the production has MFA enabled by this message:

MFA increases the security of your work on Flow Capture significantly by combining more than one independent identity verification method. The first is a user's email/password combination that's established by them as their login credentials. The next is an authentication code sent to, or provided by, a separate personal device such as a smartphone that is otherwise removed from the traditional login process. 

Find step-by-step instructions as well as a video tutorial for setting up MFA here: Setting up MFA

Get to know the Flow Capture Inbox

The Flow Capture Inbox is the first place you'll land when you sign into Flow Capture, and doubles as a Viewer and a Player. It's where you'll review any content sent to you in Flow Capture.

Get to know the Flow Capture Inbox here: Inbox Overview guide.

Login to watch via Apple TV

Our Apple TV app makes for a great top-level Playback viewing experience from your home, office, or anywhere else you can get an internet connection, an Apple TV, and a television. And if you've got an Apple TV 4K and HDR-capable set, review in HDR & Dolby Vision at resolutions up to 4K.

To download the Flow Capture app on Apple TV, open the App Store and search for ‘Flow Capture.’ Look for our app with the green ‘F CAP’ logo, just like in the picture below.

There are two ways you can log in to the Flow Capture app on your Apple TV:  Simple sign-in and Email 

Simple is extremely handy if you've only got the Apple Remote to navigate around. Email is a more traditional option that allows you to enter your regular email/password combo which is much easier done using the Remote app on an iPhone.

Simple Sign-in

This option allows you to use another device to sign in to the app via a browser and access code. If you choose the Simple option, you'll be shown a QR code, a six-character alphanumeric code and a URL.:

Open up the camera app on your iPhone or iPad, point it at the QR code and tap the link that pops up on the screen of your mobile device. If you have the Flow Capture app installed, the next steps will happen through that. If you don't have it, you'll go through them in a mobile browser. The same process happens in both places.

Log in to Flow Capture on the mobile device as you normally would, including any two-factor authentication that may be required (you will have to temporarily background whatever app you're using to log in if you're using a separate app for2FA).

The six-character alphanumeric code from Step 1 should automatically populate on the next screen. If that's not the case, enter it and tap Sign In. Your device will say that you're signed in and that the TV app will do the same shortly.

At this point, you'll be prompted to create a six-digit PIN code, which will allow you to securely and more quickly access your content on your Apple TV next time you open the Flow Capture app. The PIN you create will be valid for 30 days. 

Then you can hop back into the TV app and start reviewing.


This method allows you to access the app using the same credentials you set up for our web, desktop, or iOS apps. You'll have to type in your email and password manually unless you're using the Remote app on your iPhone and have the login saved to your keychain. 

PIN Creation

After signing in, you'll be asked to create a six-digit PIN that's used to give you quicker access to the app any time you leave it. 

After signing in, you'll be prompted to create a six-digit PIN code so you won't have to go through the full login process every time. The PIN you create will be valid for 30 days.

For more details on the AppleTV app, we have a handy guide here: Flow Capture for Apple TV

Download the iPad App

If using Flow Capture for Color Review, the iPad app provides a consistent color experience across devices due to features like Standardize Brightness and HDR10 and Dolby Vision display capabilities.

Viewing Flow Capture on the iPad is easy. To learn more, visit our iPad app guide here: Flow Capture iPad App