Adding Users Via CSV

If you need to get a lot of contacts into Flow Capture as quickly as possible, working with CSVs is your best bet. A correctly formatted spreadsheet will allow you to important hundreds of contacts at once while completely circumventing the need to manually enter in each first name, last name and email address to get new people added to your project. 


In order to work correctly, you'll need to ensure that the spreadsheet has three columns labeled as follows: 

  • first_name 
  • last_name 
  • email 

Once you've got those columns labeled and all the folks you need to add in the spreadsheet itself, it's time to hop into Flow Capture and bring them with you. 

Importing Your CSV 

There are two places you can add new users with a CSV; the Contacts Column and the Teams Column

The former is best if you just need to get a bunch of people in as fast as possible and will be building out your teams at a later date. The latter is ideal for scenarios where you have a bunch of people who should be part of a distribution list, or a group of people that will be added and removed from folders as one on a regular basis. 

Importing to the Contacts Column 

Once you have your list ready to go, click the Import CSV button that's above the one for New Contact to begin your upload. 

This will open up a window into which you can either drag your file into or click to open a file browser so you can locate and select it. Once you've chosen it, you'll see a preview of the information we'll import based on the data in the CSV. 

If it looks good, click the Import button and the upload will start. A progress bar will pop up (briefly, if it's a short list of people) and once that's finished, you'll get a breakdown of: 

  • Users imported - How many contacts we pulled from the list. 
  • Users created - How many of those contacts were new and had to be created. 
  • Users add to team - How many people users were added to a team you selected (only applicable if you're importing to the Teams column). 

The first two will typically match, though if someone had already been added, we won't create a duplicate user by adding them again. 

Clicking OK will bring you back to the Manage Teams panel, where you can search for the names of people from the list to double-check your work. 

If everything looks good, you're all set! However, if you want to add some of those users to a team, keep reading. 

Importing to the Teams Column 

This process is the nearly same as the one for the Contacts column. The biggest difference is that you're working with a team that you've selected before you start uploading the CSV. 

After you finish the upload, the summary will note how many people were added to the team. 

Generally, this will be everyone from the CSV. However, if there was anyone already on the team who was also in the CSV, they won't be listed as added (and also won't be added twice).