Manage Teams: Teams Column

A Team is a way to organize users into easily manageable workgroups and attribute them to a particular Production or Folder.

For example, you could group your Contacts into role-based Teams like Producers, Executive Producers, Art Department, or you could group them by security permissions like Viewers, Downloaders and Administrators. You can do a combination of those, or any other system that suits you and the workflow of the production.

Teams that are added to a Production at the Production Level (IE, with the Production selected in the middle column instead of the folder) will automatically be added to any Folders inside the Production. And when Teams are removed from a Production, they are also automatically removed from all Folders within the Production.

Click below for a quick overview of the Teams column, and then for more detailed written instructions, read on!

Creating a New Team

At the bottom of the Teams column are 3 buttons related to making a New Team, Editing an existing Team, and Assigning a Team to Productions or Folders.

When creating a New Team, you can choose whether it will be a Company-wide team or a Production-wide team.

  • A Company-wide team is a team that is available to be added to any Production across the entire Company.
  • A Production-wide team is only available to be added to that single Production, and no other production.

A Company-wide team does NOT mean that it will be assigned to all Productions by default, it just means it's AVAILABLE to be assigned to any Production or Folder across the Company.

NOTE: You will also see a Company Admins team, which is an admin team across the entire Company, and is created by default. This specific team can only be used by those Companies with studio deals that require a team of admins to have access to all Productions across the Company with admin permissions.

You will also be able to select the Default Permission for that team. Anyone who is on that team will be granted the default permission for any folder that the team is then added to.

The default permission can be set to any of the options available to you within Flow Capture.

You can edit this information at any time after creating a team by selecting it, clicking the Edit Team button, making the changes you need and then saving.

Assigning Contacts to a Team

In the Contacts column, highlight the appropriate Contact, then click the circled  + on the Team you want them to be a part of. This will add the Contact to the Team and move the Team tag up to the Joined Team section of the column

That Team's color tag will now appear in the bottom left corner of the user's Contact card as a Team button. Hovering over any of those small, colored dots will identify the name of the Team.

User Permissions within Teams

Highlighting both a Contact and a Team in the Joined Team section will activate a small Contact Details panel towards the bottom of the Teams column.

This panel allows you to set the Role and the Permission level of the selected Contact in relation to the selected Team.

Assigning a Team

To add a team to a Production or Folder, select the desired Team to and the Production or Folder that you want to add the Team to, then click the Assign Team button at the bottom of the Teams column. That Team will be shown in the Currently Added Teams section at the bottom of the Participants column - click any of those to get a summary of who's on the Team.

Import CSV

If we want to quickly add multiple users to a team at once we can do so with the [IMPORT CSV] button. All users within the CSV will be assigned to the selected/highlighted team. If a user is already appears in Manage Teams: The Contacts Column or is already assigned to folders these records will be merged - don't worry, they will not have an additional account created. 

Using this method we will need to export an individual CSV file per team that needs Importing.


  • csv format
  • Columns reading "First Name,Last Name,Email"

If you'd like to make changes to multiple teams all at once, or add multiple teams all at once, please view our instructions on how to use the Import/Export functionality, located here: Import/Export - CSV Administration