Admin & Usage Reporting
If you've ever been curious or needed to know how many folders a specific user has been added to, how much space you're using at any level, or other granular details related to people management and storage on Flow Capture that's not readily displayed in other parts of our platform, you might be interested in our Admin and Usage Reporting tool!
This is available to anyone with Company or Production-level Admin permissions.
It will only display data from the Companies or Productions where you have Admin oversight.
The top-left corner of the app also contains a set of controls that allows you to Undo, Redo, or completely reset the Reports panel back to its defaults.
Searching, Filtering, and Exporting
The Reports tab adds a remarkable level of depth to the information you're able to access about the users, usage, and activity happening in Flow Capture, all of which is connected together in a variety ways by the tools you can use to find specifics about that data.
Filter Searching
This is the quickest way to find a single, specific piece of information that you're looking for. Before you can begin a search, you'll need to narrow down your investigation to a specific visual panel in the reporting tab views. If you want to know what folders a specific user has been added to, the Participants on Folders panel in the Administration Access view is your best choice.
Click the Filter option in the top right corner of the app once you've selected the panel. This brings up a list of any filters that may have been used to create the one you've selected. There will already be several in place for a panel like Participants on Folders, but you're looking to add a new one, so you'll want to click the 'Add Filter' button at the bottom of that list:
There are a lot of options you can use to find what you're looking for, but a helpful one for determining where a user has been added is their email address. You can type that into the search bar and once selected, it will join the list of already existing filters.
Click that new filter to open it up and start applying your desired modifications. The one for user_emails one starts with a list of all the emails that are currently added to all of the folders you're an Admin over. Uncheck the Select All option, as you're only looking for one person, and then type in the email address want want to find. It filters as you type, so you can select the one you're looking for as soon as it shows up. Check the box next to it, and then click the Apply button at the bottom of the Edit Filter panel.
The visual panel you've selected will then only display the information you've chosen to look for. If you want to get this filtered information into a CSV or Excel file, you can do so using the export options.
Quick Control Filters
These are available across all of the reporting tabs we have and allow you to apply filters based on the different levels of organization within Flow Capture.
Clicking anywhere along the bar for these controls will open up the filters so you can start making selections and dialing into the details you need.
Each dropdown menu allows you to select from lists of each filter type from the places or people where you have Admin permissions.
- Company - This dropdown allows you to filter by Company, which is the top level of organizational structure in Flow Capture. Most users are only part of one company; typically the the studio or production entity you're working under. If you are across more than one, you can narrow those down with this menu.
- Production - A quick filter for an individual creative unit on Flow Capture; usually a feature or season of an episodic show.
- Folder - The containers for assets and users within a given production, often divided into different aspects of the production such as Dailies, Editorial, etc.
- Asset - The files that get uploaded to Flow Capture (yes, you really can get as granular as a single file that's been uploaded to our platform!).
- User - Anyone who's been added as a contact or participant.
The Storage and Video Processing sections add filters for specific types of assets:
- HDR - Files that have been uploaded in the HDR10 format.
- Dolby Vision - High dynamic range files using Dolby Vision.
- 4K - The highest level of playable resolution on Flow Capture.
Applying any of these filters will narrow down the options available in the next filter over. This means that if you open the Folder filter without making any selections, you would see every folder for every production under your purview. Choosing something from the Production filter will make the options in the one for Folders much narrower in scope.
These filters are sticky across all of the reporting tabs in this tool, so any selections you make here will follow across each of those different views!
Control Filter Options
All of the above filters have some options that you can use to quickly reset what you've selected to the default or refresh it to update the displayed information.
Graph and Panel Interactions
Just about everything you see displayed in the Reports section is interactive and either allows you to dig deeper into what you're seeing or change some aspect of how the filter is working. For example, the Active Participants graph in the Overview tab allows you to click any point that's charted and use it as a means of filtering.
The same goes for panels that display tables of information, such as the Activity Table in the Administration Access section. Clicking the Company Name will give you to option to either to focus only on that, or exclude it completely from the displayed information, as would clicking on an email address.
Exporting Information
You can easily export anything you've filtered or searched out in the Reports section into either a CSV or Excel format. Just head to the panel of information you're looking to get, click to select it (if you haven't already), and then open the menu along the right side, below the filter icon:
From there, choose your export option and we'll start generating a report that will begin downloading automatically.
PLEASE NOTE: When exporting data, we strongly recommend exporting to CSV instead of Excel. If you're exporting to Excel and there are more than 1000 data points, your report will only show the first 1000 rows.
Reporting Tab Views
Each of these gives you a window into different aspects of how Flow Capture is being used.
A general purpose, high-level display of information. The trio of panels at the top give you at-a-glance details about Active Participant churn, Weekly Active users and the amount of data that's been Uploaded over a period of time.
Below that are interactive graphs for the number of Active Participants, the Views, Uploads & Downloads activity, and Storage for each month.
Administration Access
This panel is all about people! Generally speaking, it allows you to see what anyone has access to within Flow Capture, as well as what type of access they have.
Selecting a user in the first Participants panel will then filter the rest of the information that's displayed on the page for the user you've chosen, filtering out and displaying any folders or teams they've been added to, for instance:
The Administration tab also allows you to see the Activity Stream and all the actions and can be quickly filtered by selecting a user as mentioned above.
Activity Audit
This panel is adjacent to administrative tasks, but there are also security applications as it displays and allows you to filter individual assets by specific actions, dates and locations.
If you take advantage of the quick control filters, you can narrow down all the actions that have been performed against a specific asset.
From there, you can generate a report to see who has done what with the specific asset in question.
Here you'll find detailed information about how much space is being used under the spaces on Flow Capture where you're an Admin.
The two displays at the top show you the amount of storage your uploaded files take up, as well as the total storage including generated files. Below those numbers is a graph of storage use over time. The bottom sections display storage on a folder-by-folder basis as an itemized list and again in a more visual format.
Info on Generated Files: Whenever your files are uploaded, we run them through a number of processes that optimize them for playback, including transcoding to different bitrates and resolutions, DRM-related processes, streaming-related process, etc. These processes are essentially what make Flow Capture tick, and therefore they’re always done by default (for all files and all users) and aren’t customizeable. The transcode options on the front end won't affect these processes, and therefore won't increase or decrease generated file storage. The one exception to this is MXF file transcoding, which is not done by default. Turning that option to ON will create MXF proxies and will increase your overall storage use. Note that once a file has been uploaded and proxies have been generated, we cannot remove the original file or proxies to reduce storage. You can also make a folder a "non-transcode folder," in which case we won't transcode anything at all. This means that that folder is essentially only being used as storage, which allows others on the project to access and download any files that are located within it, as long as they have download permissions for that folder. It also means that files within that folder won't be playable, since none of the processes described above have been run. Therefore, the uploaded amount and usage amount for that folder should be the same, as no "generated files" have been created.
Video Processing
A panel that shows the information around the video that's been ingested and handled by our system for playback.
The three displays along the top give the number of minutes of footage we've processed for uploads, the bitrate of the clips that we're generating, and then the amount of data used over a specific period of time.
The graph below that displays those figures over time, and the last table breaks this information down in more detail by user, folder, and more.
Live Streams
This panel shows the total data sent/received via Live Streaming assets, as well as how many monthly unique users that are participating in live streamed assets. It also contains usage panel for more detailed information about live stream assets.
Forensic Watermarking
For any customers using Forensic Watermarking, this section will detail the total amount of hours used.
For anyone who is a Company Admin that needs to see all of their current productions at a glance, this panel provides this information in an easily exportable table.
This panel provides an overview of all Rooms that have been created, including those in draft mode, those currently in use, and those who have been closed. This table also shows the associated production for each Room to allow you to manage your available number of Rooms effectively.
License Usage
This panel provides information on license usage of all license types. The top section shows which type of license each Production under the selected Company is using, whereas the bottom two sections provide information on token consumption on a user-by-user and daily basis.
Note: For more information on how tokens are consumed, please contact your account rep.