Folder Settings

These allow you more control over the Folder you're working in. The settings listed here are only available to those with Administrator permissions (at the Folder, Production, or Company levels).

If you're looking for Personal Settings related to Email Notifications and Asset Views, those can be found here. Production Settings can be found here


The options here allow you more control over the access to, and within, the Folder:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication - Enabling this will require anyone in the Folder to create and sign in using additional information beyond their normal password.
  • Digital Rights Management - Enabled by default, this helps maintain the security of any assets that have been uploaded to Flow Capture.
  • Allow Company Admins Access - This is also on by default and switching it off will restrict Company Admin access to the folder in question. 
  • Admin-Only Access to Playlink Status - This restricts the ability to see whether or not a playlink has been viewed to those with Admin permissions (of any level). When switched on, anyone without that permission level will have access to the Activity Stream removed and will also not be able to see the Viewed/Unviewed status in the Playlinks section.

    Here is what you would see before switching this on:

  • And here is what anyone without Admin permissions will see afterwards:

  • Note that the Viewed/Unviewed status is no longer there.

Asset Options

These allow you more control over playback quality and resolution and whether any additional assets are created. 

Dynamic Range Playback Settings

Anytime you upload an HDR asset to Flow Capture, the platform will automatically transcode an SDR proxy.

This will ensure that anyone who has access to view the asset who isn’t in an HDR enabled environment will still be able to view it. When then do, it will be labeled as SDR, so that they’re aware they’re viewing a proxy file, and not the original HDR file.

If you’re working with HDR and you don’t want viewers to be able to view in SDR, you can disable it on a folder by folder basis. If you change the setting to HDR only, anyone with access who attempts to view in SDR will be met with an error message, and won’t be able to view the content at all.  

Allowable Playback Resolutions

With adaptive streaming playback, you can choose the resolutions available to viewers. All of these are selected by default, but if you'd only like the highest quality available, you can toggle off the lower quality options.

Having the 480p option enabled can be handy if the production or someone on it is in a remote area and won't have a lot of bandwidth to work with.

iPad Standardize Brightness

Allows you to set a preferred brightness level in SDR and HDR for those viewing assets on an iPad. 

Upload Options

These are the settings related to how we process files when they're uploaded to Flow Capture.

Target Playback Bitrate

The bitrate that we encode video files at for playback on Flow Capture. More information about the different bitrates can be found in our Upload Specifications.

Video Processing Tune

A dropdown where you can select a preset for how videos uploaded to the folder are handled.

Default - Works best for most scenarios and types of footage.

Animation - Optimized for projects that aren't live action. Specifically, those using a 2D-animated style. 

Grain - Ideal for work that originated on film or which uses an intensive texture mapping solution like LiveGrain. 

Validate Files Before Upload

Our upload process includes an optional validation step that can be enabled at the Folder, Production, or Company levels, where we will check for common issues with Dolby Vision or MXF files before they get uploaded to Flow Capture.

Multi-Channel Audio Layout

Flow Capture supports 5.1 sound in a number of file formats and two different channel layouts (SMPTE or Film ordering). Generally speaking, you can leave it on Auto (the default), where we will assume SMPTE ordering for any files that get uploaded. You'll only need to specify if the file you're uploading has enough audio tracks that it could be mistaken for another type of ordering. 

More information about this can be found in our Audio Specification guide. 

Thumbnail Position

Allows you to select where the asset's thumbnail is drawn from within the clip. 

Asset Transcode Options / Non-Transcode Folder

Allows you to disable transcoding for the Folder. Toggling the "Non-transcode folder" toggle to ON will disable transcoding, and we won't process any files that are uploaded to it. This should only be used when uploading files to the platform that are not intended for playback. 

Note: This can be toggled ON or OFF at will, and will not impact previously uploaded files.

For example: If it's toggled ON, we won't transcode files that are uploaded. If it's toggled OFF, we'll transcode files that are uploaded, but previously uploaded files will remain unplayable. Because of this, some files in a folder may be playable and others won't, depending on the position of the toggle at time of upload. 

Transcode to MXF

Typically used with our Immediates workflow, this allows files that are uploaded into a Folder to be transcoded into DNxHD36 or 45 formats alongside the standard playback files we create. They won't be viewable within Flow Capture, but they can be made available for editorial teams who need something of better quality or that's more compatible with their timeline. Higher bitrate DNxHD options are not available because the proxies files we get from QTAKE (or other methods) are not of sufficient bitrate to warrant DNxHD115 or 175 quality.

Original files that you upload to make use of transcoding to MXF will need to have a resolution of either 1920x1080 or 1280x720.

A user will need Admin or Downloader (No Watermark) permissions in order to be able to download DNx/MXFs and untouched original files.

It's important to note that transcoding to MXF increases the total amount of storage within your production on Flow Capture! The creation of those files will impact any storage-related costs. 


Allows you to choose and customize the watermark that's being used on the Folder.


These are user-generated labels that can be applied to individual assets as a quick way of organizing your content, making it easier to group and search for. You can add as many as you like and color-code them however you'd like.


The Connections section allows you to see all of a folders connections (Live Streams, QTAKE, Flow Production Management etc) in one place.

This is also where you can add a Live Stream to a folder using Flow Capture Connect: