Flow Capture Search
Our global search lets you find any asset, anywhere you have access in Flow Capture. You're able to search by the filename, a piece of metadata, tags, or any other part of the file and how it's been organized across the platform. Its combination of keyword search and metadata property filtering gives you a powerful tool to find and filter at any level.
This is especially useful if the company or production you're a part of has a vast folder structure and you just need to find that one file, but can't remember where you saw it.
The Basics
Our global search can be found at the top of the Assets section in our web, desktop and iPad apps.
Clicking that will open the search bar where you can start typing in your query. It's important to note that the reach of your search depends on what you've got selected in the Folder, and that can be as broad as the entire company you're working under:
Filtered down to a specific production:
And even as narrow as a folder or subfolder.
We'll always show you where you're looking to the left of the field where you type your criteria, but it's always a good idea to check and make sure you're searching in the right place!
Now that the scope of your inquiry is set, it's time to start digging. You can simply start typing a word or series of words, to get going.
You'll start to see results as soon as you've got a couple letters entered, listing the file name, what type of file it is (video, still, etc.), which production it's under and the folder where it's located. If you've found what you need, you can click that and it will bring you that file, with it selected and ready to view.
Advanced Searching by Adding Filters
You'll find a button with this name to the right of the text entry field. Clicking it will allow you to add a filter using file information, the asset's metadata, or any metadata attachments such as an ALE, LUT or CDL.
We'll go over how to filter via tags here, but these directions apply to any of the properties available in that menu.
After choosing Tag from the menu, you'll be presented with a choice of operators; ways of applying that filter to the assets you're searching through.
If you're looking for a specific tag, or to filter one out, either of the Equal To/Not Equal To options are what you're looking for. If you're not sure of the tag's exact name, you can use Contains/Does Not Contain operators. The ones for Has/Does Not Have A Value work by showing you whether or not the thing your searching for has (or doesn't have) what you're filtering by. In this case if it has a tag or not.
Choosing Is Equal To will present you with a list of tags to choose from.
The new filter will be applied as soon as you make your selection.
To add another tag (or any other filter), click the filter you just created. It will default to making an additive filter; i.e. search for assets with VFX and Pick Up tags.
After choosing the next tag, you'll only see assets which have both.
You can also create a filter which uses multiple optional values so that you're searching for an asset with any of the parameters you enter. This is done by clicking on the existing filter and then on the or... option.
After adding the rest of the filters you need, the search will complete and show you all the assets that have any of the criteria you used.
These steps can be repeated or you can add new properties to make your search as focused as you need it to be to get the results you need.
Recent Searches
Global Search remembers previous search strings you've used to find an asset or assets in Flow Capture. When you click into the search bar, you'll see a list of your five most recent queries.
This can be helpful if you need to perform a regular check for certain keyword, tag, or combination of those and any other search criteria. Clicking any of those recent searches will run it again with all the same parameters, against everything on Flow Capture since the last time it was used.