Inbox Only Mode
This setting allows you to restrict a user's ability to access any of the tabs other than Inbox or Rooms, which can be helpful for someone who's only receiving Playlinks or is less technically inclined and wouldn't benefit from the full access to a production's folder structure.
Switching It On
You can enable this from the Manage Teams panel by selecting the user's contact card. That brings up a pair of options specific to the person you've selected, one of which is Inbox Only.
Checking the box next to that will immediately switch it on for the user in question. You can disable Inbox Only by unchecking the box.
Once enabled, the experience in the Inbox is exactly the same. The only visible change is the lack of navigation along the top left hand side, apart from Inbox and Rooms.
Anyone with Inbox Only access can still play back assets and leave comments and markup on playlinks that have been sent to their inbox. This change also carries across to the iPhone or iPad apps.