Flow Capture Rooms

Click Below for a short, guided video tour of the Rooms interface.

For a detailed, feature-by-feature walkthrough of Rooms in it's entirety, visit our Rooms Onboarding page, located here: Onboarding - Rooms

Rooms allow a group of users to conduct live, synchronous assessment sessions of one or more assets with live text, audio and video chat, all without having to leave the security of the Flow Capture workspace.

These rooms can be used for going over the latest cut of a feature or episode, the most recent draft of a script, a series of promo stills, or some temp score tracks. Any media that you can upload to Flow Capture is something you can add to your future live review. 

Using Rooms

There are two ways a Flow Capture user can interact with Rooms - creating, editing and/or hosting a Room or simply participating in one. We'll dig into each of those in their own separate articles:

Rooms Reporting

Admins who have access to the Reports section can track the status and usage of their Rooms via the Rooms tab. This can be filtered by Production, Status, and Company (if the admin is across more than one) by using the Dashboard filters: